balance life....
balance life is a separate book.... one day.... it will have its own website.... but for now.... it is a subsection of balance nation....
this book.... balance life.... is about my healing process.... OR.... hopeful healing process....
eye think that eye am from another world.... a better world.... and eye think that eye am from the future.... however.... eye also believe that eye am asleep.... that eye do not remember my previous lives.... but.... one day eye will wake up.... and remember my life in this other world.... my life in the future.... one day.... eye will wake up.... and remember all of my past lives.... eye will remember what eye want to remember from these past lives.... eye do not know any of this.... but eye truly believe it.... based on all of my life experiences in this life.... and based on the story that eye believe that eye have found in the lyrics of music....
eye actually believe that eye am a living time machine.... and everything comes to me when and where eye need it.... and that is how eye am going to heal myself.... what eye need to heal.... the information that eye need to heal.... will come to me.... when and where eye need it....
this book.... balance life.... is about showing you the way.... the way to heal.... the way to a better life....
eye do not have any good habits.... you say.... eye say.... do not worry.... eye will give you those.... alright movie buffs.... do any of you recognize that line.... ten bucks to the first person who tells me what movie that line is from.... :-) hint.... it is a space movie.... a movie where we have the children fight the aliens for us....
and eye am hoping.... that you will believe me.... if eye heal myself.... eye will believe.... will you believe.... that eye am from a better world.... that eye am from the future....