eye AM a cowboy.... on a horse of steal eye ride.... and the outsiders want me.... dead or alive....
eye AM a cowboy.... but not just any cowboy.... eye do not break horses.... eye break people.... my methods.... are like none other.... have you seen the documentary.... buck.... ever seen the movie.... the man from snowy river.... as the boy says.... as the man says.... you work with a horse.... not against it.... it is the same with people....
you wanna know my style.... you wanna comprehend how eye do it.... you will never comprehend how.... how its done.... but you can watch.... you can watch and learn.... enjoy the ride....
everything was made to be broken.... one way.... or another.... everyone.... was made to be broken....
did you watch.... were you watching..... as eye broke the dog.... it took me years.... several years.... but eye never took his pride.... eye made him want to change.... eye made him want to become better.... eye worked with the dog.... not against it.... now.... eye am gonna break a god.... gods and dogs are very similar.... same letters.... just in reverse....
eye am gonna break poseiden.... eye am going to bring the man out of the boy.... eye have already started.... ever been to aa.... they have ten steps.... right.... well.... eye have my steps to.... eye have my stages.... so.... so that eye know if eye am progressing....
this week.... eye reached stage one.... eye got him to make a mistake.... a big mistake.... a huge mistake.... a huge fucking mistake.... and then.... eye did not have to do anything.... he recognized his mistake.... and step one.... he admitted his mistake.... huge fucking step.... step one complete.... phase one complete....
see.... there are two kinds of devils.... there are the ones.... who choose to be devils.... out of greed.... or.... just because they have something evil living inside of them.... that they chose to let inside.... poseiden is not this kind of devil.... eye hate this kind of devil.... eye do not work WITH this kind of devil.... eye BREAK this kind of devil.... and then.... eye will never have anything to do with them ever again.... eye will erase them from my memory.... eye burn the memories of them.... eye will let them exist.... but.... in my mind.... they do not exist.... most of you will know me.... but some of you.... the evil ones.... will only KNOW that eye exist.... poseiden is a different kind of devil.... he became a devil.... out of necessity.... as a self-protection mechanism.... in a world full of devils.... everyone becomes a devil.... what matter to me.... is how one became a devil.... it is the route.... it is HOW one becomes a devil to me.... that matters to me.... everything is in the nuance.... the devil is in the details.... did you CHOOSE to be a devil.... or did someone FORCE you to become a devil....