eye am asleep....
look.... eye do not know.... if eye am asleep.... but all of the fingers in the room.... well.... it sure feel like they are pointing at me....
so.... have eye described what being asleep.... spiritually means.... to me.... it means two things.... it means that you are not connected to your old heart.... AND.... it means that you are not connected to your soul....
eye think.... that your spiritual heart.... holds your memories.... and.... you can cut your heart in two.... you can give it a total eclipse.... between.... your old heart.... and.... your new heart.... between.... all of the memories from your previous lives.... and the memories from your current life.... and you can keep your old heart safe within your chest.... and you can surround it with stones.... to keep it safe.... and.... the beauty is.... you get to choose what memories you want to keep.... regina spector tells you how it works.... so.... eye will not take away her peice of this puzzle.... eye am going to let her tell you how it works.... because she does it SO well....
and then.... there is the soul.... eye think that the soul.... contains the fire.... your fire.... that you have built.... over many many lifetimes.... and.... you can have a soul like lucifer.... with NO fire.... black and cold..... or.... you can have a soul.... like common people.... you can burn so brightly.... you too can build your fire.... by serving others.... it is the wealth that you gain.... when you are poor.... the wealth that you gain.... when you serve.... it is internal wealth.... how can eye get everyone to give up their weatlh.... how can eye get the wealthy to let go.... well.... it is the only way to build your fire.... instead of wondering why they burn so brightly.... why do you not learn to serve.... learn to build your fire.... why not learn from the original.... learn how the common people do it.... if you never serve.... if you never live like common people.... you will NEVER have a fire.... you will never know what it feels like.... to burn brightly....
so.... back to being asleep.... it is also when you separtate your soul from your body.... you can separate the soul from your body.... you can feed it apart from the body.... it can happen to everyone.... eventually.... yes.... you too.... can be a new soul.... you too.... can be young again.... you too can be forever young....
and then.... eye like to keep my chapters short.... so.... look for the upcoming chapter.... waking up....