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salesmans son....

eye AM a salesmans son....  that is the best position to have....

eye have know a lot of salesman in my life....  and guess what....  they did NOT care about their customers....  eye knew one....  who....  when eye would ask him....  how the customer is doing....  he would say....  eye do not give a shit....  all eye want to do is sell him the product....  and yet....  he knew their names....  he knew their kids names....  and when he met with them....  he would act like he cared....  acting....  is that all salesman are....  actors....  do any of them really believe in the product that they are selling....  did they choose the product....  or did the product choose them....  and....  is it all about the money....  to them....  eye think for many of them it is....  eye think for most of them it is....

that is where eye am different....  eye am a salesmans son....  eye chose the product....  eye created the product....  eye am the product....

the only reason that eye am here....  is because eye care....  eye was living my own live....  enjoying life....  in another world....  enjoying my creation....  mowing the lawn....  but my dragonfly....  came back....  to tell me a story....  of a horrible world....  of a world in trouble....  so....  here eye am....  because eye care....  this is NOT an act....  this is real life....  this is me....

at this point....  you are crying bullshit....  how can eye be love....  AND....  how can eye be lucifer....  AND....  how can eye be this little boy....  welcome to the fifth dimension....  anything is possible in the fifth dimension....  

eye will explain more in my next chapter....  lucifer....