just to let you know.... here is MY platform.... the platform eye am running on....
first of all.... eye will NOT compromise.... compromise brings mediocrity....
second of all.... you will see.... eye am extreme.... extreme on BOTH sides....
lets start with an easy one.... eye will REPLACE the welfare state with a basic income.... which WILL eliminate BOTH poverty and homelessness.... on day one.... maybe not on day one.... as.... it will take some time to dismantle the welfare state.... both.... nationally.... and.... locally.... no more low income housing.... no more poverty trap.... no more nanny state....
eye will implement a flat tax.... eye will tax unrealized gains at the same rate as ordinary income.... there will be one rate for all income.... eye will eliminate the corporate tax.... eye will implement compassionate conservatism....
eye will break up the public school system.... eye will implement a national voucher system for public education....
eye will create a hybrid medical system.... which includes the private system.... people WILL be able to pay for BETTER healthcare.... EVERYONE will recieve healthcare.... eye will change drug development from a private system to a non-profit system.... GREATLY reducing the cost of drugs in this country.... and.... the world....
you will KNOW that you have eternal life.... that you are born.... again and again and again.... DRAMATICALLY.... changing the arguement over abortion.... changing the arguement over the ENTIRE woke state that is currrently being FORCED down our throats.... learn to love the opposite sex.... or.... go without sex.... or.... be reborn the sex that you should be.... and.... stop being homosexuals.... stop being transexual.... stop being queer.... especially.... stop being queer.... it IS fucking disgusting....
there WILL be a strong national defense.... a STRONG global defense.... it WILL be fucking huge.... no one will mess with us.... internally or externally.... eye do not know how softly eye will walk.... but.... eye will carry a HUGE fucking stick.... right.... teddy.... huge....
eye will ELIMINATE the national debt.... and.... we will NEVER go into debt again.... eye will stand up for the under-represented.... eye will stand up for future generations.... no more.... no more borrowing against future generations....
eye WILL create an environment of ZERO inflation....
eye WILL take care of the growth problem in this world.... which will help us manage the environment....
eye will impement the robinson patman act.... creating a level playing field for small and large business.... eye will break up the universities.... eye separate college sports from the universities and pay college AND high school athletes....
eye will make vertical integration illegal.... and.... horizontal integration in most instances.... amazon will NOT be the worlds largest retailer AND online entertainment AND delivery system AND grocery store.... they will become at least four separate businesses.... operating independently....
eye WILL create competition where there are monopolies or oligopolies.... for instance.... google.... watch out.... eye WILL fund at least one other search engine.... if not three or four.... you CHOSE a side in this war.... now.... you are going to be the FIRST industry that eye create competition for.... you can thank me for NOT putting your asses in jail.... eye will also support a class action lawsuit to seek treble damages for ALL of the businesses you put under by illegally integrating their products into your search engine....
eye will speak to mother nature.... and.... if she does not have a reason for allowing global warming.... eye will stop global warming.... with a global coal and oil and natural gas tax.... implemented at the source.... revenue neutral.... it will NOT affect the average global citizens pocket book.... eye WILL balance cities.... same percentage of housing as employement.... same percentage of liberals and conservatives to.... just a side note.... nothing to do with the environment.... and.... at the same time.... eye will dismantle nearly everything the democrates have created.... no more local codes for the environment.... eye will also stop the dramatic migration and immigration that DESTROYS the environment.... when you have to build a new house somewhere else and destroy the old house.... because people migrated.... you WASTE tremedous resources.... you DESTROY the environment....
countries will no longer be able to build businesses in other countries.... they will have to license their technology.... IF.... they want to do business in other countries....
cities will have to compensate victims of crime in their city.... let us see if the democrats still want to be soft on crime....
eye WILL empower our children.... school choice.... teacher choice.... every child will have a therapist for support and indendence and strength.... everyone WILL be upright and strong....
eye WILL legalize companionship.... and.... eliminate statuatory rape.... and.... allow multiple marraiges....
eye WILL legalize drugs.... and.... create a tax system that takes care of addicts and victims and health care costs....
to be continued....