build a lake....
do you want to pull some of the people OFF of the front range.... eye certainly do.... eye WANT my city back.... eye want less traffic.... eye want shorter buildings....
so.... colorado.... get smart.... start to think OUTSIDE the box.... for once....
what is east of boulder.... what is east of denver.... what is there between denver and kansas.... farmland.... nothing else....
IF.... MORE.... people want to live in colorado.... rather than detroit.... rather than chicago....
build a lake.... build a reservoir.... eye am NOT talking.... another boulder reservoir.... another gross reservoir....
eye am talking.... another lake powell.... another.... lake mead.... a massive lake....
in the chicago area.... lakeside property.... goes at a premium.... could we do the same.... in colorado.... could we give people.... a reason.... to move east.... to move away from the mountains.... how many people could you give lakeside property.... if you built a lake eastside.... on the eastern plains....
again.... just spitballing here.... eye will NOT compromise.... on my PLATFORM.... this is NOT part of my platform.... this is throwing spit balls against the wall.... throwing out ideas.... and.... seeing which ones stick....