eye feel like eye am surrounded by investors right now.... eye feel like eye am swimming with the sharks....
your remember one of my favorite things to do.... turrning the tables.... one day eye am going to have to write that chapter.... turning the tables.... eye am going to turn the tables on the investors right now....
we do NOT need no stinking investors.... eye do not want any investor.... who only believes in getting the highest return on their investment.... eye do not want any investors.... who.... were willing to let eight billion people suffer.... just to get a couple of extra points on their roi.... if you are still made of greed.... eye do not want you.... if you want to have fun.... if you want to continually improve a world for its citizens.... eye want you.... if you want a decent return.... but the welfare of your citizens is just as important as you stupid roi....
what brian wants.... what brian wants.... eye want you to want me.... it is a cheap little trick of mine.... it is a little trick eye do.... when all is said and done.... you.... are going to want.... me....
eye will not pander to the audience.... eye will not pander to the investors.... eye am going to do it like facebook did it.... what eye am going to create.... is going to be so amazing.... you are going to be pitching me.... and.... then.... eye will SHOW you how a real ceo behaves.... just a little side track here.... eye am not the founder of facebook.... eye am NOT a total prick.... eye will NOT dress up in my pajamas and arrive late to an investor meeting.... even if eye do not want you.... even if eye do not need you....