the ALIENS are coming....
the aliens are coming the aliens are coming.... eye am brian revere.... and.... eye am riding my steal horse.... eye am riding my white horse.... eye am putting out the call.... the aliens are coming....
mysterious drones in the sky.... mysterious orbs in the sky.... they ARE coming....
eye am not afraid.... are you.... do not worry.... be happy.... your whole life.... is ABOUT to change.... sorry.... eye cannot find the lyric at the moment....
eye am not afraid.... do you know why.... eye am not afraid.... because.... they have been here.... walking among us.... for.... somewhere around twenty years.... the circus came to town.... about twenty years ago.... many of them.... are your best friends.... you already know many of them....
eye am not afraid.... do you know why..... eye am not afraid.... because.... they have been playing this wicked game.... to decide.... who is going to run the world.... who is going to be in charge of the new world order....
eye am not afraid.... do you know why.... eye am not afraid.... because.... eye AM going to win this wicked game....
and.... then.... eye am going to guide them.... eye am going to tell them.... how to introduce themselves to the world.... how to come out of the darkness.... how to bring about the world to come....
without any riots.... without any fear.... without any anxiety....
do not worry.... you whole life is about to change.... your whole world is about to change.... your whole world.... is about to become the MOST advanced world in the universe.... in the galaxy.... in the everything....
eye am going to start.... with the worm holes.... eye am going to instruct my angels and shadows.... to let the worm hole operators out of my head.... so they can start a company.... and.... introduce.... worm hole technology to the world.... slowly.... safely.... WITHOUT.... bankrupting the airline industry.... a collaboration with the airline industry....
oh.... and.... by the way.... fuck your stupid ass hyperloop elon.... you kept complaining.... that you needed to get back to your stupid ass hyperloop.... it will be unnecessary.... with worm hole technology.... and... what do you think people.... what do you think about mass transit BETWEEN cities.... instead.... of inside cities.... eye will NOT force you underground.... like elon will.... for example.... what about.... a slow train.... between longmont and boulder.... AND.... a bullet train.... and.... perhaps.... no more highway.... people take mass transit.... BETWEEN.... cities.... a slow fun train.... and.... a super fast train.... see.... now.... on this one.... eye WILL compromise.... eye WILL negotiate.... on this one.... eye am all ears.... BUT.... one thing is for sure.... FUCK THE HYPERLOOP.... NO NEED.... while we are on the topic of your fucked up businesses.... space x will be unnecessary.... once eye let all of the technology in my head out.... why do you NOT tell everyone.... you are just immitating.... what others have ALREADY done.... in other worlds.... why do you NOT tell everyone.... that electric cars are WORSE for the environment.... NOT.... better.... why do you not come out.... and.... tell everyone what is really going on here....
right now.... trump is being radical.... trump is being cocky.... take back the panama canal he says.... REALLY.... trump.... WHY.... when eye am done.... international shipping is going to disappear.... nearly all manufacturing is going to be done in the home country.... nearly all crops are going to be grown in the home country.... or.... home continent at least.... there is going to be very LITTLE need for an international shipping industry.... so.... why do you need to STEAL the panama canal.... you are talking like a dictator.... a global dictator....
if trump know what is good for him.... he will start LISTENING to me.... before he tanks the economy.... before he tanks the stock market.... before he destroys the country.... before he destroys the world.... does he care.... does he even CARE if he destroys the world.... will he just go home.... to whatever world he came from.... if he destroys this world.... is that why he is SO cavelier about things....
eye.... on the other hand.... eye AM home.... eye AM mister blue.... and.... eye am here to stay with you.... eye am here to stay.... even if everyone else goes away.... eye WILL stay.... if everyone else chooses to run.... eye choose to stay.... WE are here to stay.... eye AM an architect of life.... and.... eye LIKE this world.... we are your overlords.... and.... WE.... are here to stay.... and.... eye WILL be PERFECT to stay.... eye WANT to make the best of this world.... eye do NOT want to take risk.... eye will NOT be.... so flipant.... so arrogant.... so controlling.... yes.... eye will NOT compromise.... however.... that is very very very very different from control....