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choose YOUR battles....

dear trump....  choose your battles....  you CANNOT take on the entire world....  you NEED to see the effects of your current policies....  you are CERTAINLY not listening to me....

FOCUS....  focus on the border....  and....  go hard....

FOCUS....  focus on china....  with your tarrifs....  

eye MIGHT be wrong here....  you MIGHT win with canada....  you MIGHT win with mexico....  eye MIGHT be wrong....

you ARE going to take down prices....  by exporting illegal migrants....  you ARE going to bring down the price....  primarily....  of housing....  which....  is going to piss off A LOT of homeowners....   which....  is going to piss off A LOT of landlords....  you WILL gain the confidence of renters....  but....  you WILL lose the confidence of homeowners....  biden really skrewed you....  he put you in a bind....  all of this illegal immigration....  has given EXISTING homeowners....  exactly what they want....  at the EXPENSE of everyone else....  ONLY....  thirty-eight percent of the population rents....  which means sixty-two percent are homeowners....  which means....  MORE....  people are going to be upset....  when the price of housing comes down....  and....  unemployment rate is ONLY four point one percent right now....  you are NOT going to increase employment significantly....  it is already good....  very good....  AND....  only forty percent of the population does manual labor....  you ARE going to have a positive impact on their wages....  when all of these illegals....  who have been exploited....  go home....  but....  they are only forty percent of the population....

you need to focus....  on....  insisting on voter id at the polls....  to ensure....  if you are illegal....  you do NOT get to vote....  because....  one hundred percent of them....  will vote for the democrats....  you may be right.... the democrats....  just might HAVE stolen the last election....  but....  instead of using the stick with californians....  you should look into passing legislation....  that REQUIRES voter id on a national level....  

eye am NOT with you on tarriffs....  you SHOULD focus....  on passing legislation....  you CANNOT own a business in the united states....  unless you are a citizen....  and....  MAYBE....  you CANNOT sell products in the united states.... unless....  you are in the united states....   again....  eye would roll this out....  industry by industry....  MAYBE....  the furniture business first....

KNOW....  you cannot do it all....  you cannot know it all....  even IF you are immortal....

PLEASE....  do NOT fight with canada right now....  

PLEASE....  do NOT fight with mexico right now....  you NEED to use the carrot with them....  eye HAVE an extremely good carrot....  a basic income....  for ALL mexican citizens....  


they take back their citizens....  

they consider blocking their southern border....  this MIGHT be positively received by mexico.....

they come up with plans to help their citizens....

do NOT take on the cartels....  you can legalize drugs....  cutting the MARKET right out from under them....  sometimes....  it is better....  to change the battle field....  to take them on....  where you KNOW you can win....  eye would start with marijuana....  then....   cocaine....  eye can give you more details....  if you want....  and....  you can tax them at the national level....  and....  that might be a popular move....  

PLEASE....  start listening to me....  eye do NOT want to fight with you....  you ARE going to fail....  IF....  you do NOT start listening to me....

again....  your TWO main battles....  should be....  illegal immigration....  AND....   illegal voting....

are you starting to feel overwhelmed yet....  at some point....  you are....

again....  START....  telling the truth....  STOP....  spinning....  people can see RIGHT through it....  we KNOW that you are orchistrating your press conferences....  you are ONLY serving to lose voter confidence....  

again....  you could REALLY shock everyone....  IF....  you found SOMETHING to apologize for....  how about the freeze....  how about politicizing the crash....  how about....  accendentally arresting americans with ice....  you NEED to soften up....  if you WANT to succeed....

would someone get that basketball nigger OFF the air....  she is NOT encouraging ANYONE....  with her arrogance....   she is NOT the example you want to portay to the black in america....  

MORE carrot....  LESS stick....

you NEED to lean on your staff....  you need to understand ALL of the levers your are going to pull....  with EVERY action you take....  and....  then....  you NEED to explain to the public....  exactly what you think is going to happen....

you NEED to tell them....  that obama and biden built a house of cards....  and....  one WRONG move....  and it WILL all come crumbling down....  break off california....  and....  let the world WATCH it fall....  take care of them....  give them for the fires....  give them the SAME funding the biden gave the relief victims of hurricane helene....  and....  then....  cut them off....  so the world can see....  what will happen....  when the liberals take over a state....  when the liberals take over a country....

look....  that means....  one LESS group you have to fight with....  right now.....  you have way too many groups to fight with....  you have picked a fight with FAR too many people....

find the battles where you know you will win....  illegal immigration....  men out of sports....  those are both positive issues....  FIND....  your allies....  find people....  who agree with you....  in your heart....  and....  do NOT lie to them....

eye have the arians....  eye have white men....  and....  eye have NOT lied to them....  eye MIGHT have the moon....  eye have not lied to her....  eye am working on poseidon.... eye have not lied to him....  eye HAVE told him....  he WILL be demoted....  tell people the truth....  even if they might not want to here it....

you NEED to understand....  they WANT america to fail....  obama WANTS america to fail....  biden WANTS america to fail....  which is why they built a house of cards....  all of these niggers....  black and white....  want america to fail....  and....  they have put the wheels in motion....

your ONLY options right now....  are to cut off th head of the snake....  cut off california.....  

hold a round table.....  with your friends AND your enemies....  four of each....  not gavin newsom....  make sure they do NOT work for zues....  that reporter you blasted yesterday....  kaitlin collins....  for one....  jessica on the five....  for two....  harold on the five....  for three....   bring in someone who knows how to orchestrate a brain storming session....  hold it on the air....  for the world to see....  ask them....  what would they like to see for america....  what can they accept....  for change....  and....  two rules....  no cross-talk....  and....  no back-talk....  do NOT tell anyone why their idea will NOT work....

hey....  when you are with kaitlin in private....  can you ask her....  for me....  why she had plastic surgery....  we gave her such a BEAUTIFUL face....  what was wrong with the face we gave her....

you NEED to have MORE tools in your toolchest....

another crash....  you NEED to worry about the system blowing up on you....  you HAVE pushed it to the breaking point....  STOP....  PLEASE....  you have no idea what you are setting in motion....  you are THREATING to hurt tooooooo many groups....  

trump....  you are NOT the one....  have arden reasure the world....  that everything will be ok....  have vance assure the world....  that everything will be ok....  the scary monsters are leaving.... the shadows WILL scare away all of the scary monsters....

hey....  trump....  SOME....  of the boulder liberals...  have asked me to leave town....  want me join the peace core....  want me to STOP writing....  what do you think....  should eye STOP writing....

eye also want to say....  my actions....  MIGHT....  have stopped chaos....  have stopped the chaos the immortals were going to cause....  perhaps....  to stop you....  perhaps....  to stop me....

my intentions....  are to SCARE the scary monsters....  do you think that SOME of them left tonight....  do you THINK that eye scared away some of the scary monsters....

hey....  trump....  eye have an idea for you....  IF....  canada and mexico do not buckle....  and....  prices go up....  you COULD create a small basic income....

by my really crude calculation....  a twenty-five percent tarriff with canada....  is going to cost the average american four hundred dollars....  eye THINK that tarriffs is the wrong approach....  especially with canada....  but....  if you are going to implement them....  why not give every american a four hundred dollar basic income per year....  eye like monthly....  so....  that would be....  thirty-five dollars a month....  you CANNOT increase the pain of your citizens....  you will LOSE the mid-terms....  my goal....  IS....  to help you destroy the democrats at the mid-terms....   eye am all for you bringing manufacturing BACK to the united states.... 

you SHOULD look at the trade deficit with canada....  if my data is correct....  it is NOT all that large....  they export four-hundred and ninety billion to us....  and....  import four hundred and twenty-seven billion from us....  so....  we are only talking about....  a fifty billion dollar difference....  ten percent....  so....  if they retaliate....  we ARE going to feel the pain....  our manufacturers ARE going to feel the pain....

eye am telling you....  eye truley believe....  IF....  you build up a fifteen hundred dollar a month basic income....  while....  dismantling the welfare state....  you WILL be a hero....  to the american people....  THAT....  will be your legacy....  REMEMBER.....  everyone receives the basic income....  the MIDDLE class IS going to love you....  you WILL be the FIRST president to take care of the middle class....

remember....  it IS a house of cards....  we NEED to explain that to the american people....  

apologize for something....  please....  you NEED to cool things down....

think GLOBAL....  everyone is getting abused by the chinese....  EVERYONE....  we NEED to go after the chinese....  our strategy....  must be....  ALL about the chinese....  

let arden deal with putin....  let her work through the peace with russia....  

because....  SHE....  is ONE of my candidates for the FIRST women president of the united states....  she....  and....  someone from the hillary clan....  NOT hillary....  someone from the same mold....  eye want YOU to mentor her....  

if you do this for me....  there MIGHT be a place for you in the new world order....  eye am making NO promises though....

and....  please tell rfk....  eye THINK eye can fix his speach problem....  AND....  a MAJOR kudos for going after ALL of the congressman for taking BRIBES from the pharmaceutical industry....  eye HOPE he makes it....  also....  tell him....  eye met him....  when he came to boulder years ago....