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arrest THAT nigger....

you NEED to make an example of someone....  arrest that nigger in chicago....  that black mayer....  who PROBABLY works for zeus....  for NOT following the federal LAW....  he is breaking the law....  put his ASS in jail....  he will NOT help you get illegals out of the country....   ARREST....  his ass....

we ARE at war....  this is a WAR for our country....  this is a WAR for YOUR world....  

this is where you draw the line....  who do you want to run you world....  whites....  or....  blacks....  the most creative race....  or....  the most violent race....  the choice is yours....  and....  you NEED to decide....  SOON....

in THIS case there is NO middle ground....  in this case....  it is black and white....  in this case....  it is going to be....  EITHER....  black....  OR....  white....  zeus has forced your hand....  you can either have an ALL black world....  OR....  a world run by WHITE people....  white MEN....  with ALL races living together in harmony....  but....  you MUST make it clear....  WHITE MEN....  are in charge of this world....

you NEED to face REALITY women.....   women are NOT going to rule this world.....  so....  you need to make a choice....  are you going to get behind WHITE men....  or....  BLACK men.... 

eye NEED to take you out of the race....  so you can STOP fighting against white men....  and....  start fighting WITH white men....  because....  they are the good....  they are the better....  they are the lesser of two evils.... 

zeus enslaves his women....  zeus rapes women....  do you want that world....  do you want his world.... 


do you want the world that eye am offering....  eye am NOT a white man....  eye AM a middle eastern boy....  so....  eye am NOT being selfish in trying to get WHITE MEN to run the world....  eye will NOT be one of them....  at some point....  eye will NOT be a white man....  eye will NOT be in charge of this world....  SO....  do NOT say that eye am ONLY looking out for MY interests....