talk amongst yourselves....
so.... when you REALLY piss people off.... they start to break the rules.... people from different teams.... start to talk to each other....
eye think.... today.... two people from different teams started talking to each other.... one.... who eye showed the first chapter of my book.... long long ago.... might have started talking to someone.... possibly from a different team.... someone.... who can somehow see what is on my screen.... yay.... the boundries have been broken....
eye do not know what boundry has been broken.... is it an angel talking to a human.... is it.... someone who gets to see my screen for some reason.... talking to someone who is not allowed access to my screen for some reason.... is it two people on different teams.... so many questions.... but.... eye think that this was a success.... eye think that different teams do not communicate with each other.... and.... eye think that they just did....
eye bet they are both democrats.... because one of them.... sure looked pissed at me when eye left.... actually.... both of them looked pissed.... you know.... eye do live in boulder.... eye do live in democrat heaven.... eye think that eye am NOT making any friends in this town.... that is why eye am taking over the universe this time.... eye do not want to have to be the bad guy.... ever again.... you all have not idea.... what it is like.... doing my job....
eye asked the one who can see my screen.... for help.... eye wrote her a very long message.... do you think that she will show up again.... eye asked her to come back.... do you think that she will show up.... do you think that she will help.... save the world.... or.... do you think that she is toooooooo pissed at me to help.... either way.... eye think that eye made progress today....
the first step in leaving all of you severed.... is to get you to start talking to other teams.... is to get you to break the rules.... once one rule is broken.... others will follow.... and.... soon after that.... eye will get many of you.... to break your promises.... to break your oaths.... to your teams.... because some of you are good.... eye believe that both of these gals are good.... and some of you are not.... eye need to break you apart.... eye need to separate the thorns from the roses.... it is my job....
eye believe that the one eye reached out to long long ago is a rose.... otherwise.... eye would not have reached out to her.... and the other.... she seems like she could be a rose.... democratic roses.... but roses none the less.... again.... eye think that most democrats have good hearts.... their hearts are in the right place.... it is the leaders who eye think have their priorities all messed up.... eye am sure that these two ladies are really really pissed at me right now.... eye hope the one shows up again.... eye could really use some help....