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untitled love song....

so....  a beautiful mind....  do you know me....  from another life....  do you think that you know me....  from another life....  do eye LOOK to you....  like someone you knew....  in another life....  do eye look like a girl you knew....  a girlfriend....  because....  when eye was being mean to you....  eye heard you say....  she is so mean....  and....  today....  said something....  that makes me think that eye might just be right....  

can you tell me....  do eye look like this person....  the person who wrote this song....  the show....  did she tell you....  she felt like she was something she was not....  was she your first love....  and....  she refused to have a physical relationship....  because she thought she was a dude in a girls body....  did she also write you this song....  untitled love song....  eye am having trouble with one of the lines....  eye do not understand it....  but....  eye think that she wanted you to give her a great big hug....  because....  she was going to forget you....  she was going to forget who she was....  did she like hats....  and....  was this....  her mother....  give love....  maybe eye was not her....  and....  maybe....  eye spoke to her....  like eye did with lucifer....  and....  eye told her eye would help her....  and....  she agreed to let me help her....  and....  maybe....  she agreed to take the plunge....  to forgive and forget....  eye am curious....  was she your sister....  is that why you do not want to talk about it....  and....  is she asking your parents to forgive YOU....  because....  your parents did NOT accept your relationship....  how close am eye getting....  am eye starting to get close....  and eye starting to get real close....  you do NOT have to worry....  eye still love you....  like a parent.... as a potential friend....  NOT a lover....  you see....  eye do NOT have a problem with the sibling thing....  eye do not have a problem with that....  the gods did not used to have a problem with that either....  who do you think the man was....  the man that she met....  who smiled back at her....  who do you think it was....  eye certainly know who eye think it was....  maybe....  eye met her.... one day....  eye was in her head....  trying to help her....  love herself....  and then....  eye met her....  in person....  it was....  the first time we met....  and.... it was the last....  and....  just like the messiah offered to do for the fbi agent.....  eye help her forget....  she held my hands....  and eye helpe her forget....  there is on line that is confusing me though....  eye wonder if someone can help me here....  eye do no understand....  why....  eye would forsake her....  wait a minute....  did she say this to you....  a beautiful mind....  did eye tell her....  to say this to you....  and....  then....  she did abandon you....  no wonder you will not bend....  you have something to hide....

am eye right....  about any this....  eye am starting to think that eye am....  

eye do not know if eye was her....  or....  if....  like love....  and lucifer....  and all of these other people....  eye just look like her....  to you....  

eye do NOT know what eye am going to do if eye am wrong....  because....  it all makes sense to me....  it all makes so much sense....  fingers crossed....

well....  you win some....  you lose some....

apparently....  a beautiful mind is not the other half of the lesbian couple....  that eye convinced one of them to lose their memory....  and start over....  as a male....  to prove....  that SOMETIMES....  it is the soul that you fall in love with....  and....  sometimes....  that soul....  is your sister....  and....  it is not the sex.... that you fall in love with....  you just happen to be the same sex....  so....  if you change one of the sexes....  love....  can still prevail....  if you TRULY love a person....  truly love a soul....  you will continue to love them....  no matter what sex they are....  ya....  it makes sense....  that eye would not use you as an example of this....  because....  eye would not call....  what you had for her....  love....  it was her nightmare....

a beautiful mind....  took a serious jab at me today....  making it clear....  she is not the one....

oh well....  the search goes on.... who could it be....  who could it be....

maybe....  eye had it all wrong....  maybe....  a beautiful mind....  is not such a beautiful mind after all....  maybe....  she is unforgiving....  maybe....  she taunted the show.....  just like she is taunting me now....  maybe....  she is unbending....  unwilling to forgive....  unwilling to let someone change....   maybe the show was stuck in the middle....  between two monsters....  parents who would not accept thier child....  and....  a sister....  who taunted her....  taunted and teased and tortured her....  maybe that is it....  mabye that is what went on there....  because....  eye have tried to turn over a new leaf....  eye have tried and tried and tried to be nice to her now....  and no matter how nice eye am to her....  she will NOT forgive me....  she continues to taunt and tease and torture me.... 

maybe....  eye am starting to think....  that that world is the worst of all of the worlds....  they are harboring the bad mother....  a war criminal....  they have cashew girl....  and discount girl....  who both played the foxes game....  and zeuses soldier....  and....  and....  and....  the list goes on and on and on....  eye tried to offer one of thier soldiers an awesome position in the new world....  and....  eye thought that we were friends....  but then....  they turned her against me....  they got her to try to decieve me....  into thinking she was helping me....  when....  all along....  she was trying to hurt me....  please please please....  let me replace that world....  as one of the twelve trips....  let me replace them....  with am.....  please....  because....  am seems so amenable right now....  they have always been pretty kind to me....  even....  one of their soldiers from a different team....  seems to be helping me now....  she reminded me....  that eye have a fucking black cloud following me around....  and maybe a beautiful mind is not such a beautiful mind after all....  and...  a beautiful minds world....  seems to be the thorn in my side....  the one shop....  that always refuses to bend.....  they seem to be the only shop that is addicted to the game....  that tries to convince me not to shut down the game....  not to repurpose the game....  not to move the game to another world....  blame that on the owner....  she LOVES the game....  right now....  eye think that there are only two or three people there that eye like....  that are not constantly trying to entrap me....  that are not trying to taunt me....  nearly the entire shop seems to be made up of bullys....  eye have mentioned the two or three people who eye THINK have any redeaming qualities....  most of the people who were nice....  who never taunted me....  have all left....  there are only two or three people left there now that are not nasty....  and....  for the life of me....  eye do not know why they stay there....  three of these things are not like the others....  please....  you three....  do not let the others....  turn you into monsters....  like them....  eye am TRYING not to let your world turn into a monster....

now....  universe....  are you on my side now....  have you decided to face your sins....  rather than the ruble....  will you show everyone ALL of this chapter....  instead of the parts you want them to see....  another question for everyone....  is neptune also poseiden....  are they one and the same.....  and....  is he a titan....  and....  are there nine titans....  nine planets and nine titans....  and....  where they the gods before the olympians overthrew them....  and....  is zeus an opympian....  is he the most powerful olympian....  did he overthrow his father....  is he guilty of the same sins as lucifer....  how did he do it....  was he just the strongest....  and he said....  this is the way it is going to be....  and....  he will rape you if you do NOt fall in line....  is that it....  am eye starting to piece it all together.....