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where is my heart....

you heart holds your memories....  your spiritual heart holds your memories....  from your past lives....

she wants to know where my heart is....  where do eye keep it....  here are all of the possibilities....  all of the possibilities eye have found....

where is my heart
song possibilities comments
monster eye let it go eye let it go....  and it is down at the bottom of this wicked game somewhere....
 maggie may stolen someone stole my heart....  perhaps it was maggie may....  or perhaps it was someone else....  and they stole my soul to....  
 homecoming  home or perhaps....  someone in this world stole my heart....  a group of people in this world stole my heart....  and....  eye have come home.... to retrieve it.... 
 forever gave it away   or perhaps....  eye was the fool....  who gave my heart away....  hoping that she would love me forever....  or....  and perhaps there was more than one fool who gave their heart to an angel....  thinking that they could trust them....  with their most valued possession....  you fools....
 eye carry your heart  carried by an angel lucifer gave his heart to someone....  a group of angels....  led my hush....  zeuses angels....  led by hush....  and every once in awhile....  these angels play....  eye carry your heart....  to taunt me....  to remind me....  if eye want my memories back....  eye better do as they ask....  fuck that....  eye tell this fucking bitches....  go ahead....  burn my heart....  burn my fucking heart....  burn my memories....  because....  eye am NOT lucifer....  eye AM love....  and....  eye want to forget all of you fucking bitches....  eye want to forget that you ever existed....  so....  please....  burn my fucking heart....  hush wants this world....  and she is fucking evil....  she thinks that EYE promised her the world....  but eye am NOT lucifer....  eye did NOT promise her anything....  eye would never give this world to an evil bitch....  they used possessing lucifers heart to imasculate him.... to get him to beg....  please please please do not take my heart away....  to beg....  over and over and over....
 hello my old heart inside my chest here is my theory....  my old heart....  my memories....  are safe inside of me....  eye did not give them to anyone....  they are waiting inside of me....  waiting for me to set them free....  when EYE chose to set them free....   when eye chose....  before eye started this life....  eye did NOT put my trust in any nasty ass bitch....  eye did not give a woman....  a secret word....  to use....  to wake me up....  this game shows everyone....  how untrustworthy women can be....  it also shows a flaw in the design....  now the heart is on the inside....  and....  a stupid ass man....  cannot give it away....  or trust a woman to wake him up....  because.... women....  cannot be trusted....  if this wicked game has shown you one thing....  has it not shown you....  that women cannot be trusted....  they can be just as untrustworthy as men....  and....  given the power....  women.... can be just as fucking brutal as men....  if this wicked game has shown you one thing....  it is that women....  are no better then men....  we are all equally fucked up....  and we all EQUALLY have the ability to do good in the world....  eye designed this game....  to SHOW women....  you are NOT better than men....  by design....  you are just as fucked up as men....