eye am CRAWLING corrected....
eye know.... eye know.... you are supposed to say.... eye STAND corrected.... but.... that makes no sense to me....
because.... standing.... implies success.... when.... eye was a failure.... eye got something wrong....
the organic produce store.... was.... created by a.... dot da dot da.... a.... WOMAN.... she created a wonderful business.... she created a gem.... she created.... a diamond in the rough....
they ARE making a difference in the world.... they ARE helping humans heal.... they ARE helping humans wake up.... IF.... they are immortals.... they ARE the good ones....
look.... once again.... eye am sorry that eye have LUMPED everyone together.... eye think that is part of being human.... and.... as eye have said about cops.... they have a tough job.... the PRIMARILY deal with criminals ALL day long.... well.... eye THINK eye am the SAMURAI cop.... eye THINK eye am surrounded by criminals.... day in and day out.... eye THINK eye am like riddick.... eye THINK that eye am the guy..... who has to chase away all of the scary monsters....
and.... let me just say.... eye THINK that.... as eye have said.... the founder of the organic produce store.... IS.... a diamond in the rough.... that.... there are the exceptions to the rule.... there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule.... BUT.... eye WILL make the case.... at some point.... that.... most of the time.... a business run by men.... will BEAT a business run by women.... because.... you ARE playing a MANS game....
NOW.... if WE change the rules.... if WE change the game.... you CAN outperform men.... in certain areas....
eye have not shown you.... it has NOT come back to me yet.... but.... eye do believe.... with all of my heart.... that ONE day.... eye WILL show the women of the world.... HOW.... to create a business.... that utilizes the ADVANTAGES that women have....
look.... you can MIMIC white men.... women CAN mimic men.... blacks CAN mimic whites.... that is ALL you can do.... you cannot be a white man.... in this life.... so far.... that IS what you are doing.... you are playing a mans game.... you are playing a white mans game.... you are doing everything you have SEEN white men do in the past....
you need to learn how to CREATE a womans game.... you need to learn how to CREATE a black game.... you will NEVER beat a white man at a white mans game.... women will NEVER beat men in basketball.... you need to CHANGE the game.... you need to CREATE your own game.... and.... please.... STOP.... trying to steal what someone else created....
let me give you a hint.... women.... let me give you a hint.... eye THINK eye have mentioned this before.... think about.... the round table.... think about.... collaboration.... think about.... cooooooooooooling our world....