the DREAMER scam....
once again.... DEMOCRATS.... you SHOULD be ASHAMED of yourselves....
you are ENCOURAGING children to come in to our country.... illegally.... you are ENCOURAGING parents to SEND their children up here.... on their own.... as some kind of pull strategy.... get the children here.... and.... then.... argue.... that you must REUNITE these children with their parents....
shame on you.... parents.... for sending your children.... shame on you democrats.... for encouraging this behavior....
you are USING these children.... for your fucked up political agenda.... they are getting RAPED and ENSLAVED.... they are disappearing.... and.... you do NOT give a shit.... all you want.... is to get more blacks and hispanics into america.... to destroy the WHITE dominance in america.... and.... eye have NO fucking clue why.... what is your agenda.... you are white.... and.... you are trying to DESTROY white dominance in america.... do you HATE your own race.... do you HATE yourself....
holy shit.... epiphany.... brian.... maybe.... these people.... these democrats.... are wrought with guilt.... maybe.... they feel guilty about something they have done in their own lives.... so.... they are trying to give away america.... to make themselves feel good about themselves.... they are looking outside.... trying to destroy WHITE supremacy.... to satisfy their OWN guilt.... when.... what they really need.... is therapy.... maybe.... ALL.... of you fucking democrats.... need therapy....
look.... here is how eye am going to handle this dreamer fiasco.... IF.... they came here on their own.... eye WILL send them back.... eye will REUNITE them with their parents.... and.... IF.... they parents sent them.... as some kind of messed up pull strategy.... sacrafice your sons and daughters.... to have the democrats.... pull you in to america.... to reunite you with your children.... listen.... your strategy HAS back fired.... eye am on to you.... you do NOT deserve children.... so.... if you sent your child on this EXTREMELY dangerous journey.... for you SELFISH self-serving desire to become an american.... eye AM going to TAKE your child from you.... you do NOT deserve them.... eye am going to give them all the luxuries of being an american.... eye am going to give them a foster home.... eye am going to MAKE a democratic family.... take care of your child.... the child will NOT recieve the basic income.... but.... they will recieve healthcare and education.... and.... a democratic family will have to fund this childs upbringing.... as a consequence.... of ENCOURAGING south american parents to ABANDON thier own children....
and.... do NOT tell me to calm down.... taylor.... do NOT tell me to calm down.... selena.... do NOT tell me to calm down.... angels.... do NOT tell me to calm down.... shadows.... eye AM just getting started.... tearing you democrats a new one.... for your EGREGIOUS behavior.... and.... so far.... eye have said it in a tweet.... taylor.... but.... eye have only BEGUN to say it in the streets.... eye am going to KNOCK OUT your fucking bullshit liberal strategies....
when you are upright and strong.... you will start to realize.... these outside causes.... the FALSE pedistals that you are standing on.... are NEVER going to heal.... are NEVER going to make you upright and strong.... it is the jihad that you must fight.... the battle against your inner demons.... the battle against your enemies within.... that is what a TRUE jihad is.... the EXTREMISTS in islam got it wrong.... you are NOT supposed to destroy your enemies without.... you ARE supposed to destroy your inner enemies.... you INNER demons.... you fucking democrats have got to start looking INSIDE as well.... instead of using all of these FALSE causes to heal your souls....