karate kid....
eye am starting to wonder.... if there really is such thing as a karate kid.... someone who learns karate.... and.... does not want to use it to hurt people.... who wants to use their powers to protect people.... why is it.... every karate kid that eye know.... seems to crave blood.... seems to want to kick someones ass....
in college.... eye said something to my fake girlfriend.... about some karate kids she knew.... she told them.... and.... then.... she told me.... they were gonna kick my ass.... because eye pointed out a flaw in them.... they were going to kick my ass.... they never did.... thank god.... and.... thank god.... that bitch is no longer in my life....
and.... most recently.... a karate kid.... basically told me.... he hoped that eye fucked up.... he wished that eye had destroyed zeuses death machine in front of him.... so that he could jump over the counter.... and kick my ass....
finally.... on to the subject of this chapter.... the main karate kid in my life.... let us call him lee.... he came into my life.... probably tracked me down.... just like every other asshole who tracked me down.... and.... then.... he and eye started playing chess together.... and.... he was a total dick.... the whole time.... we would go to a coffee shop and play chess together.... he would talk about people in the room.... he would say something negative about them.... he would point out their flaws.... in a very loud voice.... loud enough that they could hear us.... eye would ask him to stop.... he would say why.... they do not know what eye have under the hood.... so.... basically.... he was saying.... eye can kick their ass.... so.... that gives me an excuse.... to say whatever eye want to say about them.... eye told him eye would not play chess with him if he continiued.... so.... he would stop.... for a time.... and.... then.... he would start back up.... a week later.... and.... then.... he would take forever to make a move.... he would record all of his moves on paper.... eye would take no more than a few minutes to make a move.... some times he would take twenty minutes.... it was insane.... it was driving me insane.... he was driving me insane.... because..... he would not stop talking about people.... eye broke it off.... eye stopped meeting with him.... but then.... somehow.... he would reel me back in.... this happened several times.... eye would break the relationship off.... and then.... he would reel me back in.... one day.... we played chess at his house.... because he wanted to show me his speakers.... and.... he did not just show me his speakers.... while we were playing chess.... he turned the speakers up sooooooo loud.... it was hurting my ears.... eye asked him politely to turn them down.... and he would not.... the final straw.... was when eye realized that he was TRYING to get on my nerves.... trying to get under my skin.... for some FUCKED UP reason.... will eye ever know why.... we went to a coffee shop to play chess.... he told me that he was not going to record his moves that day.... eye said.... awesome.... because eye hate it when you record your moves.... it takes so much time.... eye told him eye did not like it.... and.... eye told him why.... and then.... do you know what he did.... he pulled his notebook out of his backpack.... and said.... in that case.... eye am going to record my moves today.... he was basically telling me.... that he was trying to piss me off.... that he wanted to get under my skin.... that he wanted to hurt me.... and.... what did eye do to him.... so.... eye called him an asshole.... and.... eye broke off the relationship.... never to be sucked in again....
and.... yesterday.... you brought him back into my life.... you fucked up angels brought him back into my life.... why.... just to haunt me again.... eye was polite with him.... eye always am polite with him when eye see him out and about.... and.... he asks me if eye want to play chess again.... and.... eye tell him no.... eye will not play chess with him.... and then.... he calls ME passive aggressive.... he tells me that eye am passive aggressive.... really.... is that not exactly what he was being with me.... he called me passive aggressive.... because eye was being nice to him.... but eye would not hang out with him.... because.... eye would not subject myself to that kind of torture again.... and.... he told me eye could leave.... leave him alone.... so.... eye left.... eye went to another table in the coffee shop....
so.... why have you brought him back into my life.... do you still want me to prove that eye can fix people.... is that why.... well.... then.... eye have to be sure.... that he is no longer playing the fucked up wicked game.... IF.... and.... only if.... he is no longer playing the wicked game.... eye will spend time with him.... eye will help him.... but.... if he is still playing the wicked game.... eye will NOT waste my time.... eye cannot fix anyone.... if they are playing the wicked game.... eye told him WHY eye would not spend time with him.... eye told him what he did was an asshole move.... if.... you are calling ME passive aggressive.... eye do NOT know what the fuck you are talking about.... eye think eye am direct.... eye think eye am very direct with people.... eye told him what he did that bothered me.... now.... in order to move forward.... with any relationship.... he needs to apologize.... that is all eye want.... that is all eye need.... not because eye give a fuck if he apologizes to me.... that will not make things better.... but.... it does tell me.... that he is ready to change.... he is willing to change.... he wants me to help him figure out what is wrong with him.... and.... he would like another chance.... eye will not waste my time.... if he is going to continue playing the wicked game.... if he cannot see how he hurt me.... eye will not waste my time....
he is moving.... he is telling me he is moving.... he is basically running away from his problems.... and.... they will not go away.... they WILL follow him.... because the problem is inside.... not outside.... the problem is not everyone around him.... he IS the problem.... and.... eye will fix him.... IF.... he lets me know that he is ready....