please tell me that eye am falling.... and that is why all of these fucking bitches are sooooo happy.... why the angels put a bunch of fucking trash in the place that eye cleaned up.... please tell me that eye am falling.... and that is why this fucking bitch told me.... maybe the universe is telling you something.... about all of the trash.... please tell me that eye am falling.... finally.... falling....
am eye surrounded by my enemies.... now.... is everyone my enemy.... where do all the good people go.... have all of the good gone.... now.... are all of the good gone now.... are they all safe.... out of harms way now.... is only evil left in this world.... do my people.... always.... get the good people of the world.... out.... get them safe.... from harm.... is that why music man is no longer at sc....
should eye let gods monsters go now....
eye am going to show ALL of you fucking bitches.... eye am going to show the world.... what kind of a monsters zeus and his soldiers are.... what kind of monster cashew girl is.... because she knew.... she knew that lucifer had NO way out....
that was quick.... did eye hit the floor already.... you can bury me.... please bury me now.... eye am fucking finished with you.... all he wanted.... all lucifer wanted.... was you.... and you kept killing him killing him.... all that he wanted.... was you.... and you fucking bitches.... just laughed at him.... like you are laughing at me now.... eye see you.... eye see you laughing at me.... he even tried to be someone else for you.... but nothing seemed to change the way you enjoyed.... killing him.... killing him....
why does it seem like only the men are upset about this.... was eye all wrong about this.... do men have all of the compassion.... and the fucking hen house is devoid of compassion.... hmmmm.....
that is what eye am going to call it from now on.... the hen house.... the city of angels is tooooooo good of a name for you bitches.... were you ALL born angels.... did not a single one of you earn your place.... luck of the genes.... you just drew the lucky card in the gene pool.... good for you.... it means absolutely NOTHING to me.... fucking hen house....
you should have been kinder to lucifer.... all he wanted.... was for you to let him in.... ALL that he wanted was you....
and now.... now.... you fucking have to deal with me.... eye want it all.... eye want everything.... AND.... eye want people to suffer the consequences of their actions.... you SHOULD have been a lot kinder to lucifer....
who in their right mind created a game where women get to decide the fate of the world.... oh.... right.... that was me.... why did eye do that.... oh.... that is right.... now eye know why eye did it.... to SHOW all of you.... that women.... are all about.... what WOMEN want.... not what everyone one wants.... if they are beautiful.... like purple.... then.... they manipulate men into getting their way.... even if it is NOT the right way.... even if it is NOT the best way for EVERYONE.... and.... if they are ugly.... then they are going to make sure that no one else has fun.... they are going to make sure that there are all kinds of laws to keep men from having any fun at all.... and.... as we are witnessing.... they are willing to let someone die.... in order to get their way.... they do not care if others suffer.... as long as they get their way.... eye just created this game.... to SHOW everyone.... that women cannot be in charge.... at least not in this world.... they can sit on the throne.... but.... the man.... sitting in the background.... has to be the one making the calls.... when have you ever seen a movie called.... what MEN want.... ya.... there are the bad apples.... the ones that use and abuse their power.... the ones that use and abuse women.... and.... although you like to make it seem like they are in the majority.... even though hollywood likes to make it seem like those men are in the majority.... just like they try to make everyone think that homosexuality is thirty percent of society.... even though they try to make it seem like ALL white men are bad people.... we all KNOW that is not the case.... we all KNOW that the bad apples are far and few between.... unfortunately.... the bad ones always rise to the top.... they have more impact than the good ones.... and then.... women try to become men.... to act like men.... rather than accepting who they are.... being who they are.... and.... be patient.... and.... if they want.... to become a man in their next life.... OR.... create a world of their own where it is women who have the better leadership qualities....
eye mean.... in this world.... eye gave women a lot more jealousy than men.... and it shows.... eye gave women a lot more selfishness.... me me me.... it has to be about me.... it has to be about women.... and it shows.... you can create your own world.... and make men more jealous.... if you want.... you can give women all of the qualities that make a good leader.... you can give women more creativity.... but.... if you want that.... than you need to create your own world.... you need to put in the time and effort.... you cannot just steal this world.... and try to make everyone go against human nature.... and be different than how they were created.... who is happy then....
have eye hit the ground yet.... have you all seen what zeus does to lucifer.... over and over and over.... have eye hit the ground yet.... eye am going to keep beating up women until eye hit the ground.... and.... maybe even after that.... we shall see....