for those of you.... who are worried.... who think eye have been lying the whole time.... have no fear.... eye am NOT this guy.... eye am not the party guy.... eye am NOT coming up.... and.... eye am NOT this guy.... eye am not radioactive.... eye am not checking out on the prison bus.... eye am not painted red.... to fit right in.... am eye.... eye certainly do not feel like eye fit in.... eye am pretty sure.... eye was wearing black.... could still be wearing black.... not red.... and.... when EYE come back.... you will KNOW.... you will KNOW.... you will KNOW....
you have to listen to the instructions of the song.... they say nothing about shooting through the roof.... no.... they say.... ACROSS.... shoot across the sky....
cause baby eye am a firework.... it is time to let my colors show.... it is time to make you go ah ah ah ah.... as eye shoot across the sky.... it is time to punch a hole right through the night.... it is time to let my colors show.... it is time to show the world.... my true colors.... because my true colors are beautiful.... like a rainbow.... but even more.... we are the color.... that you have never dreamed....