after all of my criticism of women lately.... eye think that it is time for me to point out something good.... something really good happens in a women.... when she has a child.... most women that is.... it did not happen for a certain someone eye know.... one thing that you can always count on.... that most people can count on.... is there mom.... there are anomolies of course.... but.... eye chose the best of moms.... lucifer chose the moon.... and love chose someone.... someone eye have not met.... at least in this lifetime.... or.... did eye meet her this morning.... at a body care class.... was one of those women loves mother.... hmmmm.....
you know.... there are the two bad mothers that eye know of.... the one that likes to hang out at hard wood floor.... and the one who tried to pick me up when my legs got burned.... but.... other than that.... eye think that ALL of the mothers are good.... and.... eye am here to tell all of you.... mama is alive.... fallen soldiers arise.... because mama IS alive.... forget the crown.... trevor wants the crown.... but eye do not.... we can SHARE the kingdom.... they should have warned you mama.... going down with my wings on fire.... eye AM the kamikaze.... guess eye will see you in my next life....
another thing.... only mothers can bring peace.... only good mothers.... can bring peace.... so.... two of you have been my mother.... we are not going to have the king solomon thing are we.... you are not going to tear me apart again.... eye think.... if you want to know what eye think.... eye think that the key.... to the gate of peace.... belongs to two mothers.... two very special mothers....
oooooh.... damn.... eye think that eye am gonna have to give up sugar.... eye guess that might be the price that eye have to pay.... one of the many prices that eye will have to pay.... no sugar tonight.... so far eye am being a good little boy...
good choice... someone is telling me good choice.... at the grocery store.... eye am not content with that.... did eye pick a team.... again.... did eye somehow pick a team.... eye want to hear everyone at the grocery store tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... superman woman tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... vitamin girl.... tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... the coach.... tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... the arian.... tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... the indian.... eye think she is indian.... tell me.... GOOD CHOICE.... eye want to hear.... oat test.... tell me.... GOOD CHOICE..... have eye left anyone out.... sorry if eye did.... IF.... and only if.... it is unanimous.... will eye be content....
look.... eye did NOT mean to choose anyone.... eye did NOT mean to expose anyone.... what eye did tonight.... eye have done that many many many times before.... and.... no one got in trouble.... tonight.... someone got in trouble.... how does that work.... just does NOT seem right to me.... at all.... she coughed.... many people have coughed.... to tell me to shut up.... and.... eye have written to them.... usually to tell them.... eye will NOT shut up.... but.... tonight.... eye thought that she was giving me a different kind of direction.... eye thought that she was telling me where to shop.... so.... eye endulged her.... on this.... eye certainly have not let anyone tell me to shut up.... but.... advice.... on health matters.... that eye will endulge.... so.... what the fuck.... why did she get in trouble.... who did eye pick.... eye did not intend to pick anyone.... FUCK.... why can eye not escape it.... why can eye not escape being on a fucking team.... great scene by the way.... even in a kiss.... eye fucking love that line.... great fucking movie.... if you have not seen it.... you SHOULD really check it out.... thank lucifer.... that your god is NOT in everything.... LOVE.... love is in everything.... even in a kiss.... go on.... kiss her now.... you boy.... even in a kiss.... kiss me girl.... in all of them places that you know me best.... even in a kiss.... lucifer damn.... there is a strange force in that kiss.... damn straight there is.... it is called.... LOVE.... even in a kiss.... where are all of those pretty girls.... just kissing my face.... kissing my face.... even in a kiss.... sister.... eye am just a kiss away.... LOVE.... is just a kiss away.... just a kiss away.... THERE IT IS.... damn.... why do eye have to give you all of the answers.... eye AM just a kiss away.... even in a kiss.... one last kiss.... to send me home.... blow me.... one last kiss.... one last kiss....
eye have already made my choice.... from all of the mothers.... eye call her south africa.... eye have made my choice.... for the mothers world.... until.... eye can return the mothers world to its rightful owner.... which.... eye think is the sunshine soldier who gives love....
eye want to make my choices.... my choices for everyone.... eye have picked the best.... the best from EVERY team.... the best from every world.... eye want to take the best from every team..... that is what eye want.... that is what love wants....