maybe TRUMP is right....
maybe trump is right.... about the panama canal....
eye did not know.... that they are not abiding by the aggrement.... if eye heard correctly.... they are giving china special priveleges.... and.... that violates the NEUTRALITY agreement.... so.... that NEEDS to be fixed....
however.... TRUMP.... is about expansion.... eye.... am about contraction.... he wants to take over the entire world.... one piece at a time....
eye want to break america up.... one piece at a time.... maybe.... one state.... for the women.... and.... eye can SHOW the women.... how.... collaboration works.... eye wanted to do it with hardwood floor.... but.... they have an arrogant owner.... maybe.... one state for the hispanics.... maybe.... fifty separate countries.... so.... america..... is no longer.... too big to fail.... cut off california.... and.... watch it fail.... so.... the rest of us.... can learn from their failure.... cut off.... all of the hispanic cities.... on the boarder of mexico.... give them to mexico.... IF.... mexico.... will work with us.... on.... eliminating poverty.... within their country.... so people stop coming here.... the details.... are to be handled.... in the negotiations.... we TOOK texas from mexico.... MAYBE.... it is time.... to give some back.... eye do NOT expect them to deal with the cartels.... eye will deal with them.... by.... creating competition.... by.... creating a legal drug industry.... in the united states.... however.... how can eye expect them to end poverty.... if we have not ended poverty.... eye WILL show them an example....
this is NOT the same thing.... as carter giving away the panama canal.... this is NOT a liberal give away....
these cities are NO longer part of america.... they are all over ninety percent hispanic.... they speak spanish.... not english.... eye am not giving them away.... biden and obama.... already gave them away....