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did you know that blacks are not the only people who can be niggers....  ever heard of a white nigger....  eye was a white nigger....  until eye got fired....  

a nigger....  is not a term that is reserved for blacks....  in my world....  nigger means....  anyone who serves zeus....  anyone who is zeuses soldier....

there are white and black and brown niggers....

and believe me....  there are a lot of white niggers....  everyone eye came here with....  every single soldier that eye came here with....  zeuses soldiers....  are white....  zeus gets whites to do his dirty work....  and browns....  just like the guy who works at the house of chocalates....  a brown nigger....

pretty boy joe california wants to take every last white mans dime....  with his scam....  he wants to become president....  and he is on track to become president....  he is next in line for the democrats....  and believe me....  if you are white or brown or red....  he will take every last dime from you....  and give it to the niggers....  to all of zeuses soldiers....  just watch his actions....  look what he has already done....  look what he is proposing....  

now here is the rub....  zeus does not give a shit about him....  he does not give a shit about any of the white soldiers that he sent here....  to him....  we are not even people....  we are insects....  to use....  to use....  until we have served our purpose....  and then we will be discarded....  eye have already been discarded....  thank god....  he has not given up on trying to get me back though....  he wants me and his death machine back....  

and....  he does not even see all blacks as equal....  he is fast twitch....  he thinks that fast twitch is the dominant race....  just like hitler....  he has his dominant race....  the fast twitch blacks....  so....  warning to all you slow twitch blacks out there....  if you are a marathon runner....  instead of a sprinter....  you are not the right kind....  you are out too....  you will be part of the servants....  rather than part of the royalty....  if you think that all blacks are safe....  watch tears of the sun with bruce willis....  see what fast twitch blacks have done to slow twitch blacks....  in this world....  throughout centuries....  the are brutal....  with the WRONG leader....  they are brutal....  they have assets....  to offer the world....  the are just being misguided....  their faults are being exploited....  by one man....  if you can call him that....  

it was me...  eye was the fake jamacan....  sorry....  eye cannot spell jamacan....  eye know there is an eye in there somewhere....  eye was supposed to steal every last dime for zeus....  eye was supposed to steal every last spiritual dollar for zeus....  and....  pretty boy joe california....  is supposed to steal every last human dollar for him....  for his people....   

you wanna know how he treats whites....  eye live in a trailer....  in his world....  lucifer lives in a trailer....  

do you see how eye did that....  eye just made one of the worst....  if not....  worst....  words in the english language....  not so bad....  all of a sudden....  rather than calling out a race....  rather than calling out someone who cannot do anything about what you are criticising....  eye am calling out an ideology....  an ideology of fear and brutalism and enslavement and torture and greed....  if you identify with those values....  you ARE a nigger to me....  

stay tuned....  maybe....  just maybe....  one day....  eye will work the same kind of magic on other bad words....