eye AM going to show you wrong....
if you are like that BITCH who put a fucking massive niger in womens clothing today.... just to get a rise out of me.... so you could call me a racist.... so you could tell me to fuck off.... so you could tell me that eye have a tiny mind.... you SHOULD not get a vote.... you SHOULD be ashamed of yourself....
eye AM going to SHOW you wrong.... eye have come up.... ONLY.... to show YOU wrong.... BITCH....
the SUN is going to love this one....
take ten youngsters who THINK that they are transexuals.... ten.... and.... have them see the moon.... for therapy.... and.... a functional doctor.... to MAKE sure that their hormones are not out of wack.... that a male does not have toxic mold.... making them THINK that they are a woman.... and.... therapy.... to MAKE absolutely sure.... they are NOT a narcissist.... they have NO self esteem.... they are NOT looking for attention.... the sun would say that ALL of them would find out they were NOT in the wrong body.... eye would say.... at least fifty percent of them.... would realize.... they are only looking for attention.... because mommy and daddy did not give them proper attention when they were growing up....
and.... give them a choice.... after three years of therapy and a functional doctor.... and.... if they STILL want to change sexes.... then.... pay for it.... OR.... let me change their sex.... through rebirth.... however.... if they choose my plan.... they must give up this life.... all of their friends.... their family.... their pets.... they MUST start over.... as a baby.... in a new body.... with a new family....
remember.... you chose this life.... you chose this family.... make absolutely sure.... before you decide to start over....
eye am going to SHOW you.... BITCH..... that you have PUSHED people into making the WORST decision of their lives.... to go through hormone therapy and surgery after surgery after surgery after surgery.... when they were NOT a woman in a mans body.... after all.... eye am going to SHOW you.... the YOU should be ASHAMED of your behavior.... BITCH.... NASTY ASS BITCH....
look.... the moon is with you.... she is on YOUR side.... but.... eye KNOW that she WILL do the right thing.... she WILL make you upright and strong.... WITHOUT.... taking sides.... and.... eye will wager with you.... that over fifty percent of you.... decide to stay.... decide to chose the life you chose.... decide to stay the sex that you were given.... by me....
she must see your family too.... because.... they are the REASON you think you are in the wrong body.... they are the REASON you are NOT upright and strong.... they are the reason.... you have NO self-esteem....
eye have got to tell you.... eye am getting REALLY tired of your bullshit.... if you are an angel.... you will NOT be an angel.... after this is all over.... you do NOT deserve to be an angel....
you had god damn be ABSOLUTELY sure that the architects of life made a mistake.... BEFORE.... you LET someone undergow extremely painful transistions.... YES.... the architects of life do make mistakes.... but.... they are EXTREMELY rare.... for instance.... the instance of hermaphrodites is ONE in five thousand.... and.... ONLY ten percent of those.... are TRUE hermaphodites.... that means.... one in fifty thousand are hermaphrodites.... that means.... that there are about sixty-five hundred in the united states.... which is.... point oh oh two percent of society.... NOT.... one point seven percent.... as the united fuckup nations predicts....
MAYBE.... eye should MAKE you feel their pain.... you bitch.... maybe eye should make you feel the pain.... of all of these people that you have PUSHED into having sex changes.... without making absolutely sure they were necessary.... for your fucked up political agenda.... you ONLY care about pushing your fucked up political agenda.... and.... you do NOT care how many people you hurt along the way.... eye am CONSIDERING making you undergo sexual transition surgery.... eye am considering making you feel their pain.... eye am considering making you feel their pain.... because.... that is.... THE WAY....
you are SO angry at the god of this world.... that you are willing to make millions suffer.... to get back at ONE person.... that MAKES you just as bad as HITLER....
you are right.... the god of this world IS a monster.... he created a prison.... he traps everyone in his world.... so.... with the intent of eventually owning everything.... and.... when his planned failed.... he planned on destroying ALL of you.... he planned on destroying this world.... and.... everyone inside of it.... so he could start over.... YES.... he IS a monster.... BUT.... when you are WILLING to make millions suffer for your vengeance.... you are ALSO a monster....