womans rights....
eye am glad that you asked.... eye will not hide behind anything.... eye will break my silence on this topic.... it was never intended.... eye just was not thinking of it.... but eye bet many many women have been thinking of it....
so.... eye am guessing.... that you are wondering.... where do eye stand.... on womans rights.... especially.... choice.... where do eye stand on choice.... here is what eye have to say about it.... it is none of my business.... eye think that women should decide how to deal with this topic.... eye can offer some options for compromise.... but that is all that eye can do....
now.... eye do want to give you my thoughts on this topic.... even though the choice is not mine to make.... eye think that my whole rebirth concept changes the topic.... puts the topic in a whole new light.... because.... we are not longer talking about murder.... at least eye do not think that we are.... because.... the spirit never dies.... that is my opinion.... now.... eye want to voice the other side.... know.... that a lot of work went into giving you this gift.... a lot of people put in a lot of work.... for you to have this gift.... AND.... just know.... that this spirit chose you.... for some reason.... they chose you.... they saw something in you.... that they liked.... that they want to be a part of.... so.... if.... you deny them this life.... you are denying them the life that they chose.... and they put a lot of work into setting up all of the experiences that they wanted to have in this life.... and all of the things that they wanted to learn.... but.... eye do not want to force you to do anything.... in my opinion.... the choice is yours.... nine months is a long time to give up for someone.... and then all that comes after that.... is a lot to give up for someone.... so.... it is a tough decision to make.... if you did not plan for it.... it is a tough decision to make.... and eye think that the decision should be yours....
AND.... at the same time.... eye need to tell you.... that eye can play hardball.... if the woman of this world do not start putting themselves in the shoes of men.... if they do not start letting men be men.... if they do not allow men to get their needs met.... eye WILL play hardball.... eye can fill up the prisons with just as many women as men.... if women do not lighten up.... if women to not stop the attack.... stop the barrage.... on men.... this is just an opener.... eye will get more into this topic.... in another chapter.... but.... for now.... eye want you to have a glimpse of what kind of leader eye will be.... the extent that eye will go to.... to make sure that everyone is treated fairly.... EVERYONE.... and eye will be a monster.... if eye have to be.... to get you to open your eyes.... and realize.... that it does not have to be all about you.... or.... all about the groups that you identify with.... just know.... that eye will go to the same lenths for you.... eye will go to the same lengths for women.... you want a world without rape.... you want a world.... where you do NOT have to be afraid.... eye can give you that world.... eye know that this sounds like an empty promise.... and eye tell you that eye do not want to tell you to trust me.... in a world where you have been lied to so so so much.... eye want to find a way to show you what lengths eye will go to to protect you.... hopefully.... one day.... it will come to me.... how to show you.... give me a little time.... that is all that eye am asking for.... is a little time.... to SHOW you what eye will do to create an environment where you feel safe.... where you ARE safe....
eye will also tell you.... women own has much capital now.... as men.... they now have as much.... so quit blaming everything on men.... you have just as much power to change the world.... if you want.... and eye will show you how.... if you will let me....
the pendulum has swung to the middle.... maybe even a little to the left.... or right.... the opposite side of where it was one hundred years ago.... the pendulum does not have to swing to the otherside.... you do not have to teach men a lesson.... eye think that they already get it.... look.... women are pissed.... they are pissed about the past.... do we need to piss off men.... do we need everyone to be pissed off.... the same thing happened with the democrats.... the republicans were in charge.... and the forced the democrats to live their way.... and now the democrats are pissed off.... and now they want to piss off the republicans.... there are only a few reasons to make someone experience what you had to experience.... if there is not other way for them to change.... and.... if.... they are going to learn from it.... if it is going to make them a better person.... ok.... done for now....
sorry.... one more thing.... you do not make an entire group of people suffer for the sins of a few.... that was hitlers approach.... see how that one turned out....
actually.... as you can tell.... eye have not thought this topic through thouroughly.... this is not the basic income.... this is not a topic that eye have thought through enough.... because.... in some cases.... eye think it is fine.... to make the person feel the pain that they have caused others.... so.... as you see.... eye still have not got this one all worked out.... this is not the basic income..... this is not the gas tax.... this is not the flat tax.... this is not a topic that eye have spent years thinking about.... eye do not know why.... because.... to many of you.... this is THE topic.... this is the only topic.... eye promise to give it more thought.... this is why.... eye am trying to teach all of you.... not to hold someone to something.... not to stifle their growth..... please do not stifle my growth....
eye am going to say something else here.... all the criticism in this world seems to be directed toward men.... especially white men.... so.... as the thirteenth man.... it is my job.... to balance things out.... to balance the scales....
today.... eye am going to point out.... do you ever see a male actor bitching.... about having to lose weight.... about having to work out.... to have the perfect body.... to be an actor.... to be in a movie.... to be a singer.... do you ever see a man bitching.... no.... you know why.... most men do not bitch.... a good quality.... and.... a bad quality.... but look at all of the woman actresses bitching.... look at all the woman singers bitching.... letting themselves go.... and then bitching.... because society is critical of them.... like taylor.... in her recent documentary.... you know what eye say.... quit your bitching.... quit your complaining.... you make millions and millions of dollars.... and all you have to do.... is look good.... take care of yourself.... did you know.... seeing a beautiful woman.... creates seratonin in a man.... creates endorphins in a man.... being on television should be a reward.... for taking care of yourself.... encouraging people to take care of themselves.... there is no problem with putting beautiful people on television.... you are rewarding them.... and you are rewarding everyone else.... you are helping society.... creating positivity.... in a negative world....
and.... on a completely different topic.... eye am so sick of all of these depressing movies and shows on television.... they stick with people.... they affect the mood of the world.... is it intentional.... hollywood.... are you trying to make all of us humans depressed....
eye guess that it turns out that eye have given this topic a lot of thought.... but eye need to give it more.... a lot more.... because eye am realizing.... for some of you.... for many of you.... it is a very important topic....