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third eye blind....

it is time....  for me to become third eye blind....  eye have always been third eye blind....  eye cannot see out of my third eye....  but....  someone else has been looking through my third eye....  eye have been serving as a peeping tom....  for the mothers....  for the mother station....  

please....  burn my eyes out....  my immortal eye that is....  not my mortal spirits third eye....  not my human eyes....  but my immortal spirits eyes....  if you will not....  eye will do it....  eye will do it to myself....  eye will burn my eye out....  not before eye get out....  but....  before eye stay right here....  in this world....  eye AM home....  

when eye burn my immortal spirits third eye out....  will eye cut off the mother station....  will they no longer know what eye am doing....  where eye am going....  will WE be....  will the good city of angels and eye finally be....  in stealth mode....  will....  the fate of the world....  be....  in OUR hands....