what about us....
eye think that the angels.... are all screaming at me right now.... and.... they are saying.... what about us.... eye think that.... in this song.... p!nk is talking to god.... not me.... but.... eye also think that this song applies to me right now.... eye think right now.... they are asking me.... what about us....
what about you.... are you the ones who have made my life a fucking hell.... are you the ones who have made my life a total joke.... are you the ones who have been doing the opposite of everything eye have asked.... are you the ones who have been telling everyone all of the bad that eye have been doing.... and none of the good....
eye am almost certain.... that special k is on board.... and.... she has done NOTHING but make my life fucking hell.... literal hell.... she tracked me down.... got close to me.... and then literally tried to fucking destroy my life.... eye REFUSE to let her have anything.... tell fryer tuck.... to work with me.... to help me clear my financial burden to her.... to ensure that she gets nothing.... she and the fox are the reason WE are all in this fucking mess.... eye am almost certain.... she and lucifer and mr jones were a team.... and then.... she and mr jones deceived lucifer.... and sided with the fucking fox.... and that.... my friends.... is why YOU are all in this fucking mess.... that.... is why ALL of you are trapped in this continuous loop.... this fucking death spiral.... so.... eye refuse to give her anything.... how about you.... how do eye make sure.... that no one who has worked against me.... no one.... who has perpetuated this cycle.... out of greed.... how do eye ensure.... that NONE of them get a dime.... and the rest of you are fairly compensated....
is the city of angels.... a house divided.... are half of the angels.... fucking with me.... and half of the angels.... helping me.... just like any other group.... there are good angels and bad angels.... however.... eye have no fucking clue what is going on above my head.... who is helping me.... who are the angels that have turned into demons of greed.... are they still on board.... and.... are the angels in this song on board as well.... the ones that eye need to thank.... the ones eye need to say.... thank you for being so kind to.... although eye want to thank you.... eye do not want you to take me home.... eye am home.... this is my home....
how do eye know.... how will eye know.... how can eye know.... who is on board.... when eye can stop falling....
eye can fall to the ground.... eye can hit the ground.... and turn everything to blue.... heal everyone in that fucking cabnet.... where people were told to stay away.... eye can go there.... eye need to go there.... to heal them all.... to save them all....
so.... why do you not let me go.... let me hit the bottom.... turn everything to blue.... heal everyone down there....
and then.... come back.... come back to me in a different capacity.... come back to me.... free.... untethered.... and.... IF.... you have been kind.... if.... you have tried to help.... if.... you want to make things right.... then.... eye will make it right between us.... eye WILL try to make it right for you.... assuming you are rational.... assuming you are reasonable.... assuming.... you are not going to be greedy.... eye will do my best to make it right for you.... eye already said that eye plan on putting something aside to compensate everyone who has helped me.... and.... that INCLUDES the angels who have helped me along the way....
have you seen anything different from me.... have you seen any indication.... that eye will not attempt to make it right for EVERYONE who has helped....
but.... eye refuse to let anyone evil get a dime.... are you going to help me with this.... will you help me with this.... help me.... somehow.... make sure that the greedy angels get nothing....