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white men ARE better....

yes....  white men are better....  why....  because....  a white god....  created this world....

it is a RARE white man....  who will beat his wife....

it is a RARE white man....  who will complain....  as much as women complain....  especially black women....

it is a RARE white man....  who will be violent....  as violent as a black man....

it is a RARE white man....  who will subjugate women....  like the asians....  like the arabs....  

it is a RARE white man....  who will form gangs....  who will form cartels....  like the hispanics....  

white men....  are creative....

white men....  are sensitive....

white men....  care what you think....  

the angry women....  are using ANECDOTAL evidence....  to get you to HATE white men....  ANECDOTAL....

you are FOCUSING on all of the negatives....  what makes white men bad....  instead of the positives....  

because....  you are jealous....  you are jealous of what white men have....  you are jealous of what white men can do....  

you are focused....  on what white men can do....  instead....  of....  what you can do....  you NEED to change your focus....  you need to look INSIDE yourself....  and....  see....  what is it that makes me BETTER....  what is it that makes women BETTER....  what is it that makes blacks better....  what is it that makes hispanics better....  what is it that makes asians better....  what is it that makes arabs better....  what is it that makes native americans better....  you ALL were given gifts....  you have ALL been so focused on what white men have....  that you have ignored yourselves....  you are all SO interested....  in becoming LIKE white men....  you have forgotten....  to FIND the BETTER version of who you are....  the BEST version of who you are....

you NEED to look at the data....  

if the moon will NOT protect me....  if the moon will NOT help me....  MAYBE....  the arians will protect me....  MAYBE....  the arians will help me....  without DEMANDING that eye do it for them....  simply because....  eye will GIVE them america....  not the arians....  but....  the whites....  eye will give them england....  eye will give them....  australia....  eye will give them canada....  

everyone WANTS to TAKE from whites....  specifically white men.... rather....  then CREATE something of their own....  something....  that only THEY can make great....

for instance....  ONLY....  women....  can create collaborative organizations....  

you should not STEAL the white mans television stations....  you SHOULD create a station of your own....  the hispanics did it....  why cannot you....