no MORE tips....
nevermind.... eye just told my son that eye think it is BULLSHIT that trump BOUGHT the gen z vote by telling them that he was not going to tax tips.... and.... eye would eliminate tips all together.... and.... all these YOUNG angels on me right now.... did NOT like that.... they are NOT saying you can make it rain anymore.... just like everyone else in this world.... they are operating on SELF interest.... who gives a fuck about everyone else.... that is these FUCKING angels mindset.... first they wanted castles.... each and everyo one of them.... then.... they want to run the world.... they want to be queen be.... they want to be a queen without a king.... with NO fucking experience.... they want to run a world with eight billion people in it.... BULLSHIT....
so.... eye say.... to all you independents out there.... make it rain.... five percent today.... to give them a big FUCK YOU bitches.... it is not ALL about what you want....
can you defend your stance.... that someone working in a nice warm coffee shop.... deserves to be paid MORE than someone.... who works construction.... has a SKILL.... works in the COLD.... fucking has to shit in a dirty cold outhouse.... and.... then.... they deserve to pay NO taxes on their tips.... BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT.... sorry.... coffee shop workers.... but.... you do NOT deserve to be paid MORE than a construction worker.... until.... you become a therapist.... until you can lift your customers spirits.... until you can add value in a seriously depressed world.... THEN.... and.... ONLY then.... do you deserve to be paid more than a construction worker.... eye am not even sure if you deserve more.... even then.... even if.... you have an impact in turning this world from negative to positive.... BUT.... right now.... you are NOT lifting your customers spirits.... right now.... you are not HELPING to turn this world.... from negative to positive....