tethered mind....
eye have a tethered mind.... she knows what eye am thinking.... and when eye think of something she likes.... she lets me know.... kinda how eye was thinking about the concept of two jobs and two houses the other day.... and.... then the next day.... the grocery clerk at the store made a point of saying two several times.... eye am going to give you two bags.... one inside the other.... no.... wait.... eye should probably give you two separate bags to.... two and two.... it resonated with me.... because eye was already thinking about two.... do you see how it works.... how the system works.... for some reason.... this is how eye can be freed from all of the lies in this game.... she reads my mind.... and then communicates with me through people that eye interact with throughout the day....
this is one of my little secrets.... and.... one by one.... eye am going to tell everyone all of my secrets....