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tell trump to LISTEN up....

listen trump....  eye am the ONLY one who can see the future....  and....  your future does NOT look so bright....  if....  you do not listen up....

first....  in your press conference today....  when they ask you about your pardons....

say to the reporter....  look....  eye will answer your question....  IF....  you will agree to publish my EXACT words....  IF....  you STOP putting your liberal biases on your stories....  AND....  you do NOT get a follow up question....  you WILL respect my press conference....  and....  stop with your first question....

do we have a deal....

NO....  next question....

YES....  here is the deal....  eye FEEL that the democrats HAVE been playing politics....  during the blacks lives matters riots....  MANY MANY....  people attacked the police....  and....  the democrats....  either....  did NOT prosecute them....  OR....  they let them go free....  eye FEEL like the january sixth rioters SHOULD be treated exactly the SAME as the blacks lives matters rioters....  so....  you let the black lives matters rioters go....  and....  eye let the january sixth rioters go....  the ONLY difference....  is which side they were on....