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eating healthy....

if you want people to eat healthy....  all you have to do....  is encourage them to eat healthier....

right now....  the system encourages people to eat unhealthy....

some people....  live in food deserts....  all there is....  is unhealthy food choices....  some people....  are surrounded by fast food restaurants....  they do not even have the option to eat healthy....  and....  their grocery stores do not have any healthy options....  many many of their grocery stores....  do not even have any organic food....

so....  when it comes to encouragement....  first....  you need to work on availability....  second....  you need to make the healthy choice....  the inexpensive choice....

eye know that this seems like an impossible task....  but....  it is possible....

eye do not have the answers....  when it comes to availability....  but....  eye do have some answers with regard to....  making the healthy choice the less expensive choice....

it IS so simple....  when eye am in charge....  eye WILL enforce the robinson pattman act....  mom and pop grocery stores will be able to purchase products at the same price as the large national chains....  your local grocery store will be able to purchase beef at the same price that walmart and mcdonalds purchases meat....  second of all....  eye will NOT allow vertical integration in the food industry....  so....  mcdonalds will NOT be able to own the entire food chain....  they will have to pay the same price for a pound of beef as your local grocery store pays....

eye do not know if you see it yet....  so....  eye will explain it a little further....  if mcdonalds has to pay the same price as your local grocery store for ingredients....  then....  assuming that mcdonalds wants to have the same markup as your local grocery store....  the ingredient cost of a burger from your local grocery store....  will be the same price as the cost for the ingredients at your local mcdonalds....  then....  when you add the labor of producing the burger....  on top of the cost of ingredients....  the burger at your local mcdonalds will cost MORE than purchasing the ingredients from your local grocery store to make your own burger at home....  this will encourage you to make your own burger....  which....  is typically a healthier burger....