the INFLATION tax....
the BIDEN inflation tax.... right now.... biden IS taxing us.... through in flation....
he IS overspending....
allowing all these illegal immigrants in this country is causing SIGNIFICANT inflation.... the HIDEN cost of illegal immegration....
allowing illegal immigrants in this country.... is causing people who CHOOSE manual labor.... to get paid SIGNIFICANTLY less than they deserve.... illegals are willing to accept very low wages.... which drives DOWN the wages of construction workers.... of landscapers.... of anyone.... who is willing to do manual labor.... a barista at a coffee shop gets paid more than a skilled contruction worker.... this IS wrong.... a whopping forty percent of american perform physically demanding jobs.... ALL.... of these people.... are being paid LESS then they deserve.... because of illegal immigration.... you are PROBABLY being paid HALF of what you should be paid.... because of illegal immigration....
many of these people.... are living on the streets.... are taking FREE healthcare.... FREE education.... FREE.... welfare.... this IS a tremendous cost on the system.... eye CANNOT calculate the cost.... because.... they have HIDEN the cost.... but.... it is SIGNIFICANT....
right now.... fifty four percent of you want to kick out illegal immigrants.... that number would be MUCH higher.... if you knew the TRUE costs of illegal immigration.....
it is NOT more crime.... as the republicans would like you to believe.... the data eye have seen.... says that illegals commit fewer crimes.... than citizens....
the TRUE cost of illegal immigration.... is.... SIGNIFICANT inflation.... is.... LOWER wages....
if.... you KNEW that.... illegal immigration.... was keeping you from buying a home.... was costing you ten thousand dollars a year.... was causing all of this homelessness.... would you STILL be for illegal immigration....
eye THINK that.... once people KNOW the TRUE costs of illegal immigration.... more than SEVENTY percent of you.... will be AGAINST illegal immigration....