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women in THE military....

eye saw elizabeth warren going after pete hegset this morning in his confirmation hearing....  what a bitch....  women should get what they want....  no matter what....  even if it puts mens lives in danger....  BITCH....  and....  come on pete....  tell it like it is....  you THINK women should not serve in the armed services....   grow some balls man....  you have the republican majority....  tell it like it is....

look....  here is the deal....  here is my deal....  here is my stance on this issue....

you want to do everything a man does....  right....  ok....  well....  you want women to fight in the armed services....  fine....  but....  you have a choice....  and....  only women get to vote on this issue....  you CAN have women in the military....  however....  if you do....  you are also subject to the draft....  you see....  with me....  it is all or nothing....  no in between on this issue....  either none of you fight....  or....  all of you fight....  and....  the choice is yours....  only women can vote on this issue....

and....  if you choose to fight....  then....  you will fight for womens rights around the globe....  there will be a separate military....  made up of all women....  and....  you will fight the taliban....  you will fight people....  who subjugate women around the globe....  

there will be a separate army for women....  made up entirely of women....  and....  there will be an army made up entirely of men.....  if you choose the ALL scenario....  this will take care of the rape and sexual assault issue going on today in the military....  no women....  no rape....  no sexual assault....  

finally....  why has no one put up the best womens basketball team against the best mens basketball team....  you know why....  because it would be a slaughter....  and....  the same thing is happening on the battlefield....   we have over two hundred and fifty thousand women in the military today....  and....  our military is getting slaughtered....  everywhere they go....  

please please please....  someone....  put the top womens basketball team up against the top mens basketball team....  they cannot jump as high....  they cannot run as fast....  they cannot box out a man....  someone....  please please please....  do it....  it would make MY job so much easier....  if women could finally SEE for themselves....  the dominance of men....  on a PHYSICAL playing field....

you want it....  you got it....  you REALLY want a female military....  you got it....  the choice IS yours....  women....  eye am against it....  eye do NOT think that you belong there.....  but....  the choice is yours....

and....  remember....  hollywood can make ANYONE look bad ass....  you might have gi jane....  a bad ass woman in a MOVIE....  but....  most women on the battlefield....  are NOT bad ass....  STOP....  trying to create a FALSE reality....  you fucked up hollywooders....  

war IS a matter of seconds....  just a few seconds CAN mean....  the difference between LIFE and DEATH....  men ARE faster....  they CAN get there quicker....  men ARE stronger....  they CAN carry you out....  when you get wounded....  they CAN handle more stressors....  they do NOT have to worry about being raped....  they CAN deal with the fear better....  

women....  you WANT to be able to be in the army....  eye will GIVE you your army....  an army of all women....  but....  ALL....  women will be subject to the draft....  just like men are....  you WANT to end sexual assault....  eye WILL end sexual assault....  by american soldiers....  how can they assault you....  if you are NOT on the same battlefield....  eye will END sexual assault overnight....  NOW....  you will be able to choose what battles you want to fight....  you will get to decide....  if....  you want to fight for womens issues across the globe....  IF....  women want the middle east to change....  WOMEN....  will LIBERATE women....  

eye just want to tell you....  eye CANNOT protect you from the enemy....  if....  they want to rape you....  eye CANNOT stop them....  REMEMBER....  there used to be a time....  when rape of the enemies women....  was accepted....  it was the way....  leaders.....  rewarded their soldiers....  for risking thier lives....  AND....  it is probalby....  still accepted....  by many nations....  which is why....  eye do NOT want women on the battlefield....  but....  eye am torn....  because....  eye think it would be AWESOME for women to liberate women....  for women to CHOSE what they WANT to fight for....  just....  remember....  an army of MEN would be MORE effective....

eye LIKE the idea of women fighting for women around the globe....  however....  eye also like the idea of women ASKING men to help them....  for women....  to get into the habit of ASKING for things again....  learning to give up control....  learning to ALLOW men to take care of them....  in some ways....

you see....  eye could take THIS issue so many many different ways....