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eye am still looking for that movie....  what men want....  

men want companionship....  and....  so many men....  are not getting it....  so so so many men....  are NOT getting their needs me....  

partly....  because men hold everything inside....  it used to be....  that that was what being a man is all about....  but....  now what eye see....  is women telling men to shut up....  telling me that they do not have a voice....  eye knew a young lady....  who....  after becoming friends....  told me....  if you do not believe in gay marriage....  eye will not be your friend....  and....  how many men....  are told....  you are not getting any....  unless eye get my way....  unless you believe like eye do....  

there are so many reasons to have paid companions....  one....  to break the control women have over men....  two....  to protect women....  right now....  men have excuses for raping women....  if men get their needs met....  then they have no excuse....  if women....  will not get off of their high horses....  and find ways....  to give men what THEY want....  then eye will NOT protect women....  rape....  will remain in this world....  for eternity....  but....  if women will give men what they NEED....  then....  eye will protect you....  then men will have no excuse for their bad behavior....  and....  eye will come down hard on them....  eye WILL end rape in this world....  but....  only....  if women will get off of their high horses....  and start giving men what they want....  

eye told you that eye CAN be a bastard....  with me....  you get what you give....  give men something....  and eye will give women something....  

and....  eye want more....  eye want it all....  get rid of the fucking stigma....  older men and younger women....  get rid of the fucking stigma....  

there you have it ladies....  eye will give you what you want....  however....  you have to do something to....  you have got to let go....  you have got to stop wanting EVERYTHING your way....  

you want us immasculated....  AND....  you want us chilvelrous....  you want us to hold the door open for you....  and you do not want us to hold the door open for you....  make up your minds....  you want the good guy....  you want your little pet....  AND.....  you want the bastard....  make up your minds....  maybe....  instead of trying to mold us....  you should let each of us be who we are....  instead of tyring to make us all what you want us to become....  perhaps....  you should go on a hunt....  and find the one that you want....  instead of making us all what you want....  

and....  stop getting certain men on your side....  each of us has a different animal inside of us....  stop getting the penguins to tell the lions how to live....  would you let a penguin tell a lion that he can only have one mate....  NO....  so why tell ALL men....  they can only have one mate....  

stop telling men....  if you cannot find love....  you cannot have sex....  

let the horny teenager find a companion....  rather than lying and tricking your daughters into bed....  

ya....  eye did it....  eye put this chapter under paradise....  eye know eye am pissing everyone off right now....  but....  companionship IS part of paradise....