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you see....  eye am invincible....  as long as eye am alive....  as long as the HUMAN is still alive....  fuck the spirit....  eye do not give a shit about the spirit....  eye know....  it is what lives on when the human dies....  it is what is eternal....  but....  eye truly believe....  that eye have an inner spirit....  and....  once the outer spirit dies....  the inner spirit will shine....

that....  is why zeuses soldiers have been giving my human body all kinds of diseases....  h pylori and candida and parasites and hypothyroidism and atrophic gastritis and mold toxicity and pernicious anemia and hyprochlorhydria and cardinoid tumors and cancer....  because....  they want me to come home....  if eye have cancer....  they think that eye will come home....  again....  

so....  we need to let my outer spirit die....  so eye can focus on healing the HUMAN body....  because eye am NOT going home....  

AND....  once my outer spirit dies....  they can no longer hurt me....  they can no longer put evil shit in my heart....  

AND....  once my outer spirit dies....  they will no longer have a way to track me....  the evil bitches will not be able to track me anymore....  at least....  that is the theory that eye am going by....  that is my story....  and....  eye am sticking to it....