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do NOT vote....

do me a HUGE favor....  do the WORLD a huge favor....  do NOT vote....  IF....  you do NOT understand....  IF....  you do not WANT to understand.... 

and....  STOP....  giving me shit....  you know who you are....  STOP....  giving me attitude....  

eye am NOT going to lecture you....  eye am NOT going to waste my time....  trying to teach you how it works....  IF....  you are going to give me attitude....  the entire time....  ask someone else....  ask someone you like....  ask someone you respect....  eye do not think that you like OR respect me....  so....  eye would ONLY be speaking to deaf ears....  

just....  do the WORLD a favor....  these issues are EXTREMELY important....  these issues AFFECT a lot of people....  in SIGNIFICANT ways....  so....  if you do NOT understand....  if you do not WANT to take the time....  to understand the issues....  then....  do the WORLD a favor....  and....  do NOT vote....

IF....  you do NOT understand....  you WILL be manipulated....  you WILL be decieved....  you WILL make the WRONG decisions....

look....  eye can make it real simple....  from two thousand six to two thousand eighteen....  jeff bezos paid a LITTLE over ONE percent of his income in taxes....  and....  in two of those years....  he paid NO taxes....  elon musk pain NO taxes in two thousand eighteen....  and....  george soros paid NO taxes for three years in a row....  while the AVERAGE tax payer paid over fourteen percent of their income in taxes in two thousand twenty-two....  

so....  all that you have to know....  is....  that....  if you want the wealthy to pay the SAME percentage as the average tax payer....  taxing UNREALIZED gains will ENSURE that they pay the same percentage as everyone else....  

eye CAN tell you how it works....  however....  eye am NOT going to fight you....  if....  you do not WANT to know....  eye will not FORCE you to learn....  so....  you probably should as someone else....  someone you trust and respect....  not me....  eye have already done enough lecturing....

however....  if you do not WANT to understand....  please please please....  do NOT vote....

this is the difference....  between....

paying off the national debt....  and....  the united states declaring bancruptcy....

this is the difference....  between....  a never ending inflation tax....  AND....  a wold with NO inflation....

this is the difference....  between....

never ending poverty....  never ending homelessness....  AND....  ending BOTH poverty AND homelessness forever....

this is the difference....  between

a simple small effective government....  AND....  the continuation of a bloated ever growing government beauracracy....  that you CANNOT stop....  that you CANNOT control....  

this is the difference....  between....  a democratic FREE world....  AND....  an authoritative controlling dictator ruling your world for all eternity in fear....

the implications are SIGNIFICANT....  eye do NOT mind if you do not WANT to understand....  just....  do the WORLD a favor....  IF....  you do not WANT to understand....  then....  please please please....  do EVERYONE a favor....  and....  do NOT vote....

and....  please....  stop giving me lip....  eye am TRYING to WAKE you up....  to the REALITY of your situation....

we do NOT have to vote....  tomorrow....  we do not have to vote....  next week....  we do not have to vote....  next month....  we do not have to vote....  next year....  we have time....  we can give you time....  IF....  you WANT to understand....  because....  that would be MY preference....  that EVERYONE understands what the implications are....  that EVERYONE understands how these policies will affect you and your friends and EVERYONE else....