zero inflation....
yes.... it is possible....
how many of you have been hurt by the biden tax.... eye know that eye have.... eye have lost over fifty thousand dollars in my absolute wealth.... so far.... because of biden.... and his hidden tax.... biden and his hidden tax is hurting everyone living on a fixed income.... everyone who saved up for retirement.... it is crushing the purchasing power of your retirement package.... it is part of a nefarious plan.... to make the elderly dependent on the government.... to make everyone dependent on the government....
look.... eye am not claiming to understand how inflation works.... eye do not think that anyone does.... but.... eye think if we made the federal reserve live on a budget.... they only get a certain amount to spend.... and that is it.... and it never changes.... it never grows.... that is step one....
step two.... pay off the national debt.... and then.... never let those fucking beurocrats borrow money ever again.... borrow against future generations.... borrow our childrens future.... it is wrong.... and it has to end....
and the final step.... zero growth.... we do not let someone in.... unless someone agrees to leave.... we cannot build housing fast enough to house all of these people who are crossing our border illegally.... and guess what that means.... housing becomes too expensive for everyone.... for future generations....
there you have it.... my plan for zero inflation.... my plan to protect your future.... the future of our children.... AND.... the future of everyone who has saved anything in thier lifetime.... everyone.... who saved.... so that they can remain independent.... so that they can take care of themselves....