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no SALT deduction....

if eye am elected....  there will be NO salt deduction....   

all SALT does....  is ALLOW states to OVER tax their citizens....  california....  OF COURSE....  has the highest state and local tax rates....   their state income tax ALONE is over thirteen percent....

IF....  they tax their citizens thirteen percent....  and....  the federal government allows the california citizens to deduct their state taxes....  then....  the citizens might end up paying NO federal income taxes....  

this IS very simple....  you are NOT charged income taxes....  based on what you receive....  you ARE charged income taxes....  based on HOW much you exploit.... 

and....  eye ALLOCATE most of defense spending to the weatlthy....  which would balance out the negative balance of donor states....  

also....  you DEMOCRATS are SO adement in creating transfer payments....  well....  this IS a transfer payment....  transfering weath from the wealthiiest states....  to the poorest states....  

you do NOT like it....  california....  new york....  you liberal fucks....  then leave....  leave the union....  we would be better off WITHOUT you....

jesus people....  jesus newsom....  jesus california....  jesus new york....  people are NOT flocking to your states....  because they love your politics....  they ARE flocking to california....  because they WANT to live by the OCEAN....  because they WANT the WEATHER in california....   because they WANT to be an actor....  and....  hollywood IS a MONOPOLY....   and....  hollywood is SO fucking liberal....  so....  you had better become a liberal....  OR....  forget acting....  now....  become black....  or....  forget acting....  AND....  new york....  you have wall street....  another fucking monopoly....  you want to work in high finance....  you want to work in investments....  you want to be paid millions of dollars to do NOTHING....  to add NO value....  move to new york....  you want to be an actor in plays....  new york....  you have another MONOPOLY....  you have broadway....  people do NOT want your policies....  so you indoctrinate them....  you FORCE them to see things your way....  if they want their dream job....  which is why eye WILL create competition....  for holllywood.....  for broadway....  for wall street....  you want to list on multiple exchanges....  you can in my world....

and....  what the fuck trump....  fucknut zuckerberg....  is becoming a turn coat....  he is blaming it ALL on biden....  the rest of social media will follow....  which is bullshit....  he gave biden four hundred million....  he gave you one....  he WANTS the democrats....  now....  he is becoming a turn coat....  and....  what the fuck trump....  you ARE embracing that scumbag....  with OPEN arms....

eye am the ONLY one in this race....  that will go after ALL of the captains of industry....  eye am NOT their friend....  and....  they are NOT mine....  eye WILL break them up....  eye WILL create competition....  eye do NOT want to hear their big ideas that they STOLE from someone else....  eye want to hear from the little guy....   eye do NOT want to hobnob with the big guys....  eye am the ONLY one running in this race....  that wants nothing to do with these monsters....

except apple....  only apple....  they are my ONLY exception....  because....  as far as eye can tell....  they did NOT choose a side....  

california....  SHOULD....  be able to charge one of the lowest income tax rates....  they have one of the highest per capita incomes in the country....  so....  should be able to charge a lower rate....  in order to spend the same amount per citizen....  californians make sixty percent more than citizens of mississippi....  so....  you could charge them nearly forty percent less....  and....  have the same revenue to spend per citizen....

why do big cities cost so much more than smaller cities to operate....  you keep trying to FORCE us into big cities....  to quote unquote save the environment....  you SAY that you are better off in a big city....  but....  it costs more to live in a big city....  and....  you spend MORE per citizen in big cities....  you SAY mass transportation is less expensive....  but....  is it REALLY....  you SAY mass transportation causes less pollution....  but....  does it really....  you MAKE your systems SO fucking complex....  that no one can tell....  why are there over one hundred welfare programs....  why....  to hide the spending....  to hide the ineptitude....  all you need....  is ONE program....  one basic income....  then....  everyone would SEE how effective it is....