tag you are it....
eye may drive you away.... eye may talk too much.... eye may get excited.... overwhelm you.... and chase you away....
well.... eye have my ways.... eye have so many little games.... this one is called.... tag you are it.... eye approached you.... last time.... and now you are giving me the cold shoulder.... you will not even look at me.... eye can take a hint.... eye made first contact last time.... now it is your turn.... it is your turn to make first contact.... there will not be a second contact.... from me.... eye will wait.... eye will wait for you.... and.... if it never happens.... then.... it never happens.... if you decide to ghost me.... well.... then that is fine.... eye AM getting used to this world.... eye am getting used to being shamed.... eye am getting used to being ghosted.... eye do not like it.... eye think that it sucks.... but.... eye have accepted it.... THIS.... eye am not going to change.... not by being pushy.... not by forcing myself into a conversation with you.... that will not change the world.... you have MORE power than you think you have.... women.... you have so so so much more power than you think that you have.... please please please.... do not abuse it.... do not continue to imasculate ALL of the men in this world....
you approached me.... you know who you are.... you approached me.... and now.... you are ghosting me.... instead of telling me what eye did wrong.... instead of telling me.... what is wrong with me.... you are going to ghost me.... and perpetuate the cycle.... letting me make the same mistakes.... over and over and over.... again.... this is not me.... eye am not the clone.... but.... like him.... eye am making the same mistakes.... and.... you are watching me.... stumble.... over and over again....
no.... not her.... she is an odd duck too.... she has not ghosted me.... and eye have not ghosted her.... eye did not stop the other day.... BECAUSE.... she was already talking to someone.... eye am pretty sure.... she might just ghost me.... when she hears my politics.... when she hears that eye think that making people recycle and compost MIGHT just be a waste of time.... because.... nobody seems to care.... as much as the environmentalists.... each of the bins look the same to me.... the same junk in all three bins.... nobody seems to care enough to do it right....
no.... eye am talking about the young lady.... that approached me in a coffee shop.... introduced herself to me.... and now she is ghosting me.... she will not even look at me.... she will not sit down with the strange.... eye am not scared on the outside.... at least eye do not think eye am.... eye am scared on the inside.... and.... she would rather.... sit alone.... in a park.... than talk to me....