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fixing the IMMIGRATION problem....

right now....  fifty four percent of you want to kick out illegal immigrants....  eye THINK that....  that number would be MUCH higher....  if you knew the TRUE costs of illegal immigration.....

the true COST of immigration is NOT more crime....  as the republicans would like you to believe....  the data eye have seen....  says that illegals commit fewer crimes....  than united states citizens....  

the TRUE cost of illegal immigration....  is....  SIGNIFICANT inflation....  and....  LOWER wages....  and....  yes....  MORE crime....  another kind of crime....

if....  you KNEW that....  illegal immigration....  was causing SIGNIFICANT inflation....  in the cost of housing....  in the cost of all goods....  if you knew....  illegal immigration....  was keeping you from buying a home....  was costing you ten thousand dollars a year....  would you STILL be for illegal immigration....

if....  you KNEW that....  illegal immigration....  was causing significant homelessness....  would you STILL be for illegal immigration....

if....  you KNEW that....  illegal immigration....  was causing lower wages in manual labor jobs....  would you STILL be for illegal immigration....  everyone who performs manual labor....  which is about forty percent of the population....  is being UNDERPAID because of illegal immigration....  illegal immigrants are desperate....  which allows employers to underpay them....  which keeps the wages of ALL manual labor jobs down....

if....  you KNEW that....  illegal immigration....  allows us to EXPLOIT illegal immigrants....  paying them far less than they are worth....  for very difficult jobs....  would you be for illegal immigration....  

finally....  if....  you KNEW that....  illegal immigration....  creates more crime....  because....  diversity CAUSES more crime....  the MORE diverse america becomes....  the MORE crime we experience....  not because illegal immigrants create more crime....  but....  because....  diverse groups....  have trouble getting along....  because....  democrats let blacks out of jail....  because....  trump lets january sixth rioters out of jail....  because....  people protect their own....  democrats let democrats commit crimes....  as long as democrats are on their side....  republicans let republicans commit crimes....  as long as republicans are on thier side....  countries with LESS diversity....  have less crime....  face it....  no matter how much the democrats attempt to FORCE integration....  we ARE segregated....  within our country....  why do you think that there fifty cities....  with a china town in them....  why do you think there are nearly thirty ALL black colleges....  why do you think....  loredo texas is over ninety-five percent hispanic....  and....  most of them....  speak spanish only....  does that sound like a population that wants to immigrate....

eye THINK that....  once people KNOW the TRUE costs of illegal immigration....  more than SEVENTY percent of you....  will be AGAINST illegal immigration....

just remember folks....  eye have said....  eye will NOT force these people to go home....

eye WILL send the children home....  the children who volunarily left their parents....  eye WILL reunite them with their parents....  eye WILL send them home....

the rest of the illegal immigrants....  eye will NOT kick you out....  however....  eye will ENCOURAGE you to go home....  eye WILL create a basic income in america....  and....  eye WILL create a basic income in your home country....  you will NOT qualify for the american basic income....  and....  you WILL qualify for the basic income in your home country....

again....  eye will ENCOURAGE you to go home....  AND....  eye WILL do everything possible....  to make your home country better....  to give YOU the means....  to make your country BETTER than america....  at some point....