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we are waiting for the sun....  to come out and play....  we are waiting for the stars....  to light the way....

you called me hot for teacher....  wrong person....  sorry....  and....  sorry....  william....  her dad cannot stop it all....  only....  the moon can stop it all....

we are jumping off the edge....  apparently eye really did find my friend at the curtains of the waterfall....  someone....  to go down with me....  we are jumping off the edge.....  we went where....  no one can catch us....  and....  nothing can stop this....  

we are reaching....  for who....  the moon....  the bigger she is....  the easier she will be for us to grap on to....  only....  calling her....  will stop it all....

WE....  my friend and eye....  are covered in stardust....  WE....  the two of us....  are invincible....  our mortal spirits are locked up....  safely in the cave....  and....  the shadows are guarding the entrance to the cave....  

eye cannot speak for the rest of the passengers on this wild ride....  on this bus....  this whole time....  you thought....  eye was going to check out....  on a prison bus....  well....  MAYBE....  eye will check out....  just....  not in the direction that you wanted me to....  right....  sun....  right....  stars....  right....  hot for teacher....  right....  elders of a NOT so gentle race....

eye do not know if eye need you....  but eye am going to die to find out....

oh....  and....  if you want to extend an olive branch....  hot for teacher....  you can tell the moon....  where the mold is in my appartment....  and....  whatever toxic substances you have put in my appartment....  and....  in me....  so they can clean it up....  and....  you can tell the moon....  so she can tell my functional doctor....  how to heal....  everything....  the cancer....  the mold....  the bacteria....  the yeast....  so she can have her troops guide me....  by the way....  eye will ONLY use natural substances to heal....  mother earth can heal me....  it was the original design....  for mother earth to give us all the answers....

if you do NOT help....  eye WILL figure it out on my own....  and....  then you will get NO brownie points....  eye am already having the mold cleaned out of my airconditioner drip pan....

do NOT worry sun....  eye still have NOT chosen a side....  eye am just....  giving the moon....  the upper hand....  in round one....  so....  she should consider....  in your negotiations....  that....  at some point....  the outsiders will have the upper hand....

you get ONE request....  moon....  one request for now....  make it a good one....  

oh ya....  and....  hot for teacher....  if you would like to contact me....  you can go through chicago....  NO MORE SECRETS....  eye want your whole team....  to KNOW what you have done....  and....  eye want your whole team to watch this process....  to be involved in this process....  do not call me again....  eye will ONLY deal with chicago....