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this chapter is for the moon....  you have no idea what pain your son was in....  he took his life....  lucifer took his own life....  all of his friends would not listen to him....  they are listening to him now....  thor is listening to him now....  strange....  how nobody listens....  until you are dead....  they are here....  his friends are here....  and....  they are confused....  because eye look like him....  but eye do not sound like him....  that is because....  eye am somebody else....  he is dead and gone....  they would kill him off....  and then create a clone....  your son had a horrible life....  eye can bring him back....  eye will bring him back....  but....  eye will do....  like you have done....  eye will be the monster this time....  eye will tear out his heart....  and give him a fresh start....  

eye know that all of this does not make sense....  eye am still trying to figure it all out....  there are gaps in the story....  and some of it does not make sense....  yet....  it will....  in time.... it will all come together....  it will all come back to me....  eye am not sure....  if the clone is lucifer....  or....  of that is fake love....  eye am not sure....  but eye think that all of thesse lyrics tell a story about someone....  and some of them are lucifer....  and some of them are fake love....  

remember when you did not believe me....  when eye told you how rebirth works in my world....  and you said....  that is not how it works....  do you believe me now....  do you at least have hope....  that that might be the way in works....  in my world....  whoever that was....  that was being killed off...  eye think that eye can bring them back....  all of them back....  every single clone....