the WAR mediator....
listen.... bitches....
eye said.... eye WANT arden to mediate the end of the war in ukraine.... so.... tell trump.... to STAY the fuck away....
eye WANT her to mediate the end of war in israel as well.... he is STEALING our ideas.... you KNOW how eye feel.... about people STEALING our ideas.... eye HATE that more than anything else....
tell him to give ME credit for the new take on schools.... for saying.... if she does her job correctly.... she will work her way out of a job.... that is MY thing to say.... that was OUR idea.... not his....
reign HIM in....
eye will NOT work with him.... IF.... he works with musk.... eye met muckbag.... he is a total douche bag.... total....
tell him.... YOU.... are going to STOP working with him.... IF.... he does not START to listen to ME.... SOON....
who came up with that idea anyways.... the whole.... working your way out of a job thing....
send me someone from gaza.... eye WANT to hear what they want....
my plan.... was to move the jews.... your plan MIGHT be better.... because.... jews were there first.... HOWEVER.... have you considered.... do you WANT jews.... stuck in the middle.... of a bunch of arabs.... does that make sense to you.... it certainly does NOT make sense to me....
if trump will NOT comply.... eye want you to clear out.... michael to....
you cannot just take over from here.... you KNOW my job is NEVER done.... AND.... you KNOW why....
thanks for the funny commercials.... today.... you MADE my day.... eye am SURE that you made a BUNCH of other peoples days as well.... is the young lady eye met in the sauna responsible for that.... please give her MY kudos.... off the CHARTS funny.... NICE!!!!
if you chose the young girl from africa.... AND.... the young advertising lady from the sauna.... and.... she created the commercials.... well.... then.... kudos to you.... on your choices.... eye AM going to make choices to.... eye STILL want MY choice for shadow queen.... sorry m.... if they want you.... they ARE going to have to convince me....
you need to get out of the oval office.... ladies.... you do NOT want to be a part of this mess that trump IS creating.... he IS going to take the country down.... he IS going to cause chaos in the world.... where are palestines representatives in these peace talks today.... missing.... right.... you CANNOT just force something down their throats....
please continue bringing me candidates.... please continue.... making meaningful change.... i love what you did with the new commercials.... funny funny funny.... thanks for that....
as eye asked before.... PLEASE.... let jessica on the five.... know.... that eye am here.... let her know some of my plans.... for the world.... for america....
please talk to arden.... let her know.... eye WANT her to mediate the end of the israeli-palestinian war.... let her know.... eye WANT her to mediate the end of the ukranian war....
will someone ask the president.... why is palestine NOT represented tonight....
please let ken martin KNOW eye am here....
tell the democrats.... to FOCUS on the environment.... a strategy to ENCOURAGE people to do the right thing.... rather.... than FORCING them to do the right thing.... tell them.... do NOT let the blacks drive the bus.... do NOT let them start a war.... do NOT let them take your party down.... tell aoc to SHUT the fuck up.... condemn the blacks actions.... you have to realize.... most blacks work for zeus.... they are driving HIS agenda.... not yours....
STOP.... letting the races run you party.... WHITES.... need to be in charge.... start.... representing whites.... AND.... you WILL bring people back to your party....
focus on crime.... people want to feel safe.... you do NOT make them feel safe....
talk about taxing unrealized gains....
talk about making the government smaller.... AND.... more efficient....
you cannot do what musk is doing.... when you have less people.... but.... the job is still there.... the need is still there.... the government becomes LESS effective.... lines at social security will become MUCH longer.... getting ahold of medicaid will become impossible.... the service quality WILL deteriorate....
talk about REPLACING the welfare state.... with.... a basic income for all....
STOP.... fighting.... START.... creating....
if you just get out of trumps way.... he WILL self-destruct.... eye just pulled my angels and shadows.... he has just lost his connection to me....
first of all.... apologize to the nation.... let them know.... we heard you.... we ARE going to change....
we believe trans need protection.... but.... we no longer support biological men competing in womens sports....
we are going to do something.... to focus on eliminating crime.... in a humane way....
stop REACTING to trump.... that is what he wants.... talk about ideas.... talk about change....
tell the world.... we think.... trump IS doing some things right....
we do NEED to close the border.... until we can figure out the immigration issue....
we do NEED to get biological men out of womens sports.... we need to create a single use changing room for trans men AND women.... we MUST get the baseball bat OUT of womens locker rooms.... what SANE woman would bring her children into a locker room.... where someone is carrying a baseball bat....
eye want michael to be my shadow choices mentor.... eye know he is NOT a shadow.... but.... he.... knows how to PROTECT worlds.... you are all schooled in TAKING worlds.... maybe there is a compromise here.... there will be more worlds to take.... maybe.... your choice.... can be in charge of taking back stolen worlds.... and.... michael.... can mentor my choice.... in learning how to protect worlds.... what do you think.... does that sound good.... whoever is running the shadows right now.... good job.... did you follow my orders.... without killing an immortal.... only humans.... only wicked ass humans.... to save lives.... if so.... excellent decision.... eye approve you over riding my decision.... but.... let the immortals know.... this was a warning.... letting everyone know whose side you are on.... and.... IF.... they keep inciting violence.... killing humans.... the next time.... it will be an immortal.... eye do NOT want to stain my flawless record.... but.... eye will.... if eye must....
the democrats want transparency.... please.... make my entire books available for everyone to see.... if we are there yet.... if.... eye am NOT on a team... if... this team wants to gain my trust.... you can make my life available to everyone.... probably not the humans yet.... we do NOT want to create panic.... but.... to all of the immortals....
government.... you NEED to start coming out of the closet.... you need to start having meetings.... in public.... you NEED to stop ALL these back room deals.... what happened between gwen moore and the speaker of the house.... did she THREATEN him.... you NEED to start having public diologues.... she is BLACK.... is SHE one of zeuses soldiers.... did she OFFER him a position in zeuses world....
press.... you NEED to start questioning if blacks and aoc and omar have the PARTIES interests at heart.... OR.... are they being influence by outsiders.... outsiders of america.... outsiders of this world.... it is NOT safe for you to allow these people to have so much power....
on cnn today.... please do not question people for CHANGING their minds.... you are stifling their growth.... you are stifling progress.... you are stifling change....
shadows.... please offer the speaker of the house our protection.... so he can tell the world what happened in that closed door meeting.... did she THREATEN him.... if so.... ask him.... if he is WILLING to speak out....
trump.... thanks for walking your israel talk back.... if you want.... you can tell the world.... you have hired an advisor.... to help you find the middle.... to help you analyze your decisions....
trump.... lay off the fbi agents.... you must realize.... they are just soldiers TAKING orders.... eye know you are ANGRY about january sixth.... eye know you are ANRY about all the attacks in the past.... do NOT act like hitler.... lets FIND the people responsible.... and.... go after them.... eye am ALMOST certain.... zeus has been pulling strings behind the scenes.... he is the one you want.... he is the one eye am after.... eye want him to lose everything.... eye want him to go to jail.... eye want him to repay EVERYONE he has harmed.... will you help me in this effort.... we will NOT succeed.... unless you STOP going after the soldiers....
are loves angels starting to join me.... the angels that do NOT work for any team....
trump.... you have to ELIMINATE the need.... BEFORE.... you eliminate the people.... AND.... you have to have job openings available.... BEFORE you get rid of people.... it is a process.... a metholodical process....
you should hire mark moyer to clean up usaid....