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what if marriage is just another pair of handcuffs....  how many of you.... show your best side....  create a perfect lie....  play pretend....  in order to catch the perfect mate....  you put your best foot forward....  and....  then....  once the handcuffs are on....  you show your ugly side....  eye am sure that this happens....  far too often....

and....  why does hollywood only show the handcuffs on the woman....  why does no one show the otherside....  the imasculated man....  the man in shakles....  it happens....  believe me....  it happens....  a lot....

but....  hollywood likes to create a narative....  man....  bad guy.....  white man....  really bad guy....  inter-ratial couples....  that is the norm....  that is the way it is....  blacks....  thirty percent of society....  even in jolly old england....  thirty percent....  that is what hollywood would have you believe....  and...   homosexuality....  hollywood has us believing that it is twenty-four percent of society....  when....  really it is only four percent....  and....  let us start forcing americans to learn spanish....  instead of the other way around....  because....  white guy....  bad guy....  we need to teach white guy a lesson....  we need to put white guy in shackles....  

marriage....  back to marriage....  why not multiple marriage....  just asking the question....  why not multiple marriage....  then....  you can hang out with the one who treats you the best....  AND....  if one of your men is a wife beater....  the other men will take care of that problem....  lickety split....  no laws required....  

your society is so closed up.... so cold....  get married....  and then the man has to ditch all of his female friends....  and the woman has to ditch all of her male friends.... because....  marriage....  means possession....  do you think that marriage is such a great concept....  if one of the partners is obstinate....  then....  the other ones life sucks....  once the knot is tied....  all negotiation goes out the window....  one person....  male or female....  typically dominates the relationship....  why do you think forty to fifty perent of first marriages end up in divorce....  and....  less people are getting married....  

someone uses physical strength....  to control....  someone uses money....  to control....  someone uses sex....  to control....  oh....  did eye just say something taboo....  we cannot talk about that one....  we cannot talk about a woman withholding....  as her super power....  as her control mechanism....  yes....  it happens....  eye know first hand....  the only way to negotiate....  with an obstinate person....  a controlling person....  is to have an out....  everyone needs an out....  

and....  can we find a way....  to make divorce far less destructive....  can we change divorce....  so that it is not such a blood bath....  eye like the concept....  of having the celebration....  without tying any knots....  eye also like....  when you decide to split....  you help each other find their new mates....  why do we not get rid of that term....  divorce....  and just say....  it is time to move on....  time to find another....  and....  help each other find another....  so that separation....  does not end up becoming so fucking lonely....  so that....  separation....  comes with a new partnership....  and why not allow your partners to maintain their friendships....  former friends make the best lovers....  😊

can eye remove the paragraph below now....  eye think that the heat from this discussion has passed....  so....  eye no longer need to cool things down....  eye will remove it later....  let us keep it for now....  

eye think that eye have done my job for today....  eye think that eye have heated things up enough....  time to go home....  and cool it down....  come on blacks and hispanics....  will you cool me down today....  eye told you yesterday....  eye am going to find a way to fix the unfair balance in the prisons....  eye am going to defund the judge....  so a white judge cannot give a black or a hispanic person twenty four years in prison....  and a white wealthy guy....  a slap on the wrist....  come on....  blacks and hispanics.... will you cool me down today....  for fixing this imbalance in the world....

more to come....