the church vs the rainbows....
one of the biggest fights in this world.... is.... the church vs the rainbow coalition.... the battle.... between.... the god that created this world.... and.... the rainbow coalition that wants to STEAL this world....
eye WILL end this fight.... eye WILL end this battle....
first of all.... eye side with god on this one.... you have NO right to come and steal his world....
second of all.... when you KNOW that you are reborn.... when.... you CAN be reborn at any time.... well.... then there is NO reason for the rainbow coalition to exist.... if.... you feel.... you are a chick in a dudes body.... well.... then.... become a chick in a chicks body.... and.... vica versa.... it is simple.... an easy fix.... and.... everyone SHOULD be happy.... god gets a world without homosexuality.... and.... a chick gets to have the experience.... of actually being a chick.... rather than being a chick with a dick....
now.... the rainbows are going to fight me on this.... to the bitter end.... because.... they KNOW that.... a world without homosexuality.... a world without transexuals.... takes away ALL of their power.... so.... they are going to continue to decieve you.... to make you think that they have a better way.... that their rainbow world.... their world.... where they FORCE compliance.... is a better world....
let me ask you.... does that sound like a better world.... where one side has NO voice.... where.... the side that is against homosexuality.... has to bend over and take it like a man.... ironic.... is it not....