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lead by example....

in my world....  the leaders lead by example....  

the toughest job in my world....  is the environmentalist....  or....  in a world run like the human body....  the toughest job....  is the urinary system....  with the kidneys at the helm....  filtering out toxins in the body....  or....  the liver....  which interacts with most of the systems in the body....  and....  interestingly....  rather than filter OUT chemicals....  it tends to change the chemical composition of toxins in the body....  so....  the environmentalist....  is the toughest job....  so....  in the body....  we break it up....  into two jobs....  two functions....  it is not the thoughest job....  in my world....  because it does the most work....  it is the toughest job....  because....  in my world....  leaders have to lead by example....  so....  al gore....  no more mansion for you....  no more lear jet....  in my world....  if you want people to live in tiny boxes....  and go without air conditioning....  in order to protect the environment....  then....  YOU....  have to live in a tiny box....  and go without air conditioning....  in my world....  the leaders....  sacrifice....  more than the subjects....  they lead by example....  in my world....  the leaders....  show the subjects....  the way....  and....  the way is constantly changing....

one of the ways that we get leaders to WANT to give up their leadership role....  is by living in the middle....  not the top....  the middle....  and....  there is some kind of formula....  that encourages the leaders....  to lift the poor....  and contain the wealthy....  eye do not know what this formula is....  but maybe....  when eye meet rose back....  she will be able to fill in the gaps for me....  

another example of leading by example....  the leaders of the military....  are on the front line....  maybe THEY have the toughest job....  the military leaders....  because....  just like in those movies.....  where the king is leading the army....  the same happens in my world....  not the king....  but the military leaders....  are on the front line....  because....  they act like a king in a way....  they make most of the military decisions....  just like in the human body....  the functions are independent....  and dependent....  at the same time....  and....  that body that eye left here....  to entice soldiers to come here....  that perfect body....  that all of the soldiers want so badly....  we are going to share that perfect body....  no one person is going to possess it....  there will be no zeus or thor in this world....  the powerful positions will be shared....  and....  eye will be able to shut it down....  if the driver of the perfect body gets a little out of control....  and decides to use it in service of self....  instead of in service of others....  eye will shut it down....  and they will never get to drive the perfect body again....  

eye think that one of your leaders just told me....  this is all sillyness....  everything that eye am saying....  is just silliness....  a dream world....  it will never happen....  is what he is telling me....   it may seem that way....  it may seem like silliness....  but....  if you sit back....  and give it some thought....  if you stop worrying about what you might lose....  and you start thinking....  about....  what you might gain....  it does not seem so silly....  once you let go....  of what ever you are holding on to....  it all starts to sound wonderful....  really wonderful....