the NEW norm....
has anyone noticed.... that eye am trying to do the impossible.... eye am trying to get you to break with the norm.... in ways.... no one else has.... eye am trying to create a NEW norm.... in areas no one else has been brave enough to challenge.... eye am wrong in all the right ways.... right pink....
actaully.... eye am thinking.... that pink and eye do NOT agree on what the right ways are....
she thinks being gay is right.... right pink.... she thinks cows milking humans is right.... right pink.... she thinks being OBNOXIOUS is right.... right pink.... she thinks fighting is right.... right pink.... eye think.... those are all the WRONG ways....
eye am sure that you have noticed.... that eye am wrong in a lot of ways.... eye am trying to change the norm in a lot of ways.... but.... not like pink.... not like the fucked up obnoxious in your face liberals.... not at all like that.... eye BELIEVE that EYE am wrong in all the RIGHT ways.... wrong.... with a purpose.... eye want to bring about change.... that eye BELIEVE will make the world a better place.... that will STOP the fight.... not create MORE things to fight about....
here are all the norms eye WANT to change....
eye want to make ALL the bad words.... not so bad.... shit.... fuck.... cock.... suck.... bitch.... bastard.... faggot.... dyke.... nigger.... yep.... all those words eye use.... are always in such bad taste.... but.... are they really so bad.... is this NOT just another way of controlling us.... is this NOT just another pair of handcuffs.... which leads into the other norm that eye want to break....
all the things you cannot talk about.... another way to silence us.... you cannot talk about race.... about sex.... about politics.... you cannot talk about the things WOMEN do wrong in this world.... all of these discussions are tabboo.... all of these discussions are off limits.... you are JUST a white man.... you have NO voice....
older men can date younger women.... and.... older women can date younger men.... for that matter.... hollywood is certainly trying to push older women on younger men these days.... eye do not give a fuck if older women date younger men.... as long as that opens the door.... for older men to date younger women.... without blame.... without shaming.... where did that norm come from anyways....
eye will not only break the norms.... eye will break the laws.... eye will break the system.... a system.... that give too much power to women....
eye will eliminate statuatory rape.... what a fucked up rediculous law.... what came up with that one....
and.... eye will bring back companionship.... eye will REDUCE the power.... that women have over men....
and.... eye will SHOW women.... that men did NOT have it so great.... that men had it MUCH worse than women.... historically.... that.... yes.... men were in charge.... SOME.... men.... had it all.... but.... the majority of men.... had shitty lives....
eye will MAKE women be fifty percent of the armed forces.... eye will MAKE fifty percent of women.... go to war....
and.... eye will SHOW women.... that MEN are BETTER at many many many jobs than women....
eye will two MAKE construction companies.... one.... all men.... and.... one.... all women.... and.... show you.... the men WiLL make more and better houses faster than women.... eye do NOT have to do this with sports.... do eye.... that one is pretty fucking obvious.... men ARE better....
and.... eye will MAKE women do fifty percent of the shitty jobs.... fifty percent of the shit shoveling jobs.... fifty percent of the construction jobs.... fifty percent of the crews on the most dangerous jobs.... eye will MAKE you wish you were back home with the children.... right now.... you are TAKING all of the BEST jobs from men.... you are willing to STEAL these jobs from men.... because.... they asked someone to twirl.... but.... are you willing to do HALF of the shitty jobs as well.... you see.... men did have all of the BEST jobs historically.... but.... they also had ALL of the shitty jobs as well.... and.... there are far far far fewer BEST jobs.... then there are shitty jobs.... there are far fewer bosses.... telling people what to do.... then there are.... grunts.... being told what to do.... maybe eye will create balance.... by making one thousand women do the lowest jobs.... for every one woman at the top.... so.... your fame.... your power.... your greed.... you life of luxury.... will come at a cost.... for your own kind.... at a cost.... for women....
eye KNOW that it is my morals.... that knock me down.... that keep me from reigning....
in time.... eye will SHOW you.... that my morals.... are far better.... that my morals.... create balance.... that my morals.... eliminate the fight.... that my morals.... create a more open society.... that my morals.... eliminate corruption.... that my morals.... CREATE BALANCE.... among the sexes.... among the races.... between the top and bottom....
in time.... eye will SHOW you.... that your norms.... are TOTALLY fucked up.... that the new norms.... that hollywood is promoting.... are TOTALLY fucked up.... that your norms.... are about control.... that your norms.... make people depressed.... that the new norms that hollywood is promoting.... will actually make you fight more.... will actuall make you LESS happy....
when you tell me to lighten up.... eye dig in deeper....
when eye finally see you start to break.... then.... and only then.... will eye start to lighten up....
the moon made a HUGE mistake.... letting the fox have control of her world.... letting a psychopath.... own her world.... and.... now.... ALL.... of the people who played the foxes game.... are going to have to suffer the consequences.... of HER actions.... when eye am done.... she will NEVER let a fox take over her world again.... when she sees the consequences of her actions.... when eye show her.... the consequences of my actions.... when eye show her.... how.... MY.... policies.... how.... MY.... actions.... made her son.... a leader.... will.... make her son.... a true leader.... how.... my parenting.... WILL.... make a true leader.... a strong leader.... she STILL thinks everything is just a game.... just fun and games.... eye was here long long long long ago.... why did eye run run run.... why did they have to hide me away.... in a secret world....
these monsters are still IN my face.... and.... eye AM getting REALLY tired of it....
FINALLY.... eye THINK the moon just let me know.... she has to adhere stricktly to the rules..... maybe.... she cannot have these MONSTERS arrested.... maybe.... she cannot see lucifer.... hmmmm..... maybe.... eye should lighten up on her.... afterall.... if she has NO control over the situation.... at least.... all my ranting and raving.... got her to explain the situation to me.... so.... eye no longer FEEL that she is just LETTING all this bullshit happen....
now.... maybe.... the rational women.... can explain to me.... what is up with ALL these irrational women in the world.... all these women who THINK that men have it soooooooooooooooo great in the world.... all these women who THINK that WHITE men have some kind of amazing privelege....
remember.... eye chose to be a white man for a reason.... remember.... eye am really a middle easter boy.... so.... there is really NO selfish motivation in my actions....
eye guess.... eye am trying to get the rational realistic honest open loving giving women.... to say SOMETHING.... anything.... BEFORE.... eye give up on all of you.... help me out.... help us out.... help white men out.... we really are NOT the monsters these ANGRY women are making us out to be.... REALLY....
the moon has FINALLY said something.... how about the rational realistic honest open loving giving compassionate women.... will YOU say something to.... before eye give up on you.... say something to these women.... let them know.... their EXTREME anger at men.... at white men.... at the world.... at white god.... is UNFOUNDED....
well.... how am eye doing.... am eye making you MISS lucifer.... do you MISS him yet.... does he seem like an amazing angel.... relative to me....
well.... how am eye doing.... have eye SHOWN you yet.... that you do NOT want me to have to come in.... and.... fix all your problems.... have eye SHOWN you yet.... that it is much better.... IF.... you all FIND a way to get along....
well.... how am eye doing.... have eye broken through your walls yet.... are you starting to come out of hiding.... are you starting to have the conversations.... that you should have had.... long long long long long long ago....
well.... how am eye doing.... have any of you.... looked in the mirror yet.... have any of you.... started to have a RATIONAL take on the world.... have any of you.... started to think with both your head and your heart.... have any of you.... put the shoe on the other foot.... have any of you.... put your self.... in the other persons shoe....
moon.... are you going to start to give me more guidance.... are we going to have more conversations.... like the one we had today.... your response to my rant was VERY clear and concise.... and.... eye appreciate that.... yes.... eye am feeding on all of your emotions.... eye am trying to wake all of you up....
well.... how am eye doing.... have eye gotten any of you women.... to say.... eye AM sorry.... to all the white men in the world.... who are NOT on the top of corporations.... who are doing shitty shitty shitty jobs.... have ANY of you apologized yet.... they will NEVER tell you they are upset.... they will NEVER tell you it is unfair.... they will NEVER tell you they are in pain.... no.... eye have to do it for them.... for every fucking white man who has it all.... there are a thousand.... whose lives SUCK....
next stop.... sex.... after.... eye resolve this issue.... after.... eye get ALL women.... to put the shoe on the other foot.... to walk in a white mans shoes.... we ARE going to address sex.... YES.... we are going to talk about sex.... eye have some ideas.... how.... to keep you from withholding sex.... to find other things to withhold.... something that a man does not NEED in order to be healthy.... to withhold from them.... yes.... we are going to open that can of worms....
tell me.... women.... should a man get what he desires.... should a man be happy.... should a man get what he NEEDS in order to be healthy....
stay tuned.... eye WILL show you another way.... withholding sex is NOT a social norm.... it is a way of taking power.... it is a way of abuse.... anything and everything about it.... is wrong.... withhold something else....