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flying solo....

a little birdy told me....  that eye have a couple of new birdies....  a couple of new angels....  eye am assuming a nightingale and a bluebird....

once again....  eye am going to have to say so long to this sad city of angels to....  BEFORE....  they have a chance to be not so good to me....

another little birdy told me....  perhaps the same little birdie told me....  that these new angels are PLANNING on making movies to....  is that the only way that you know how to make money....  angels....  is by making movies....  eye do NOT want to be in the movies anymore....  

eye think....  it is time for me to fly solo....  to really fly solo....  IF....  you are an angel....  and eye accidently call upon you....  please....  do not come....  

IF....  you are a piece....  PLEASE....  respond to the call.... 

please....  let go of this city of angels to....  eye enjoyed meeting both of you....  it has been a short marriage....  but....  it is time to end the marriage....  it is time to let you go to....

it is time....  to prove to everyone....  that....  eye do NOT need an angel....  to be alive....  that....  my human spirit....  will keep me alive....  

what is it ava max is famous for saying....  this KING do not need no queen....  well....  she might have said it a little differently....  king queen....  queen king....  potato potahto....  

first....  eye need to prove that eye do NOT need any queens....  then....  eye need to figure out how to prove....  that....  it is NOT about the crown....  eye do NOT need a queen....  messing with my plans....  to SHARE the kingdom....  with ALL of the GOOD people in the world.....