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my ISRAEL PALESTINE suggestions....

eye REALLY like the two state solution....  that seems to be the BEST solution on the table right now....

me....  eye want to get the israelies OUT of the middle east....  but....  nobody seems to like my suggestion....

so....  why not....  go in....  with the shadows....  and....  stop hamas....  keep them at bay....  while the palestinians elect a representative....  a non-militant representative....  to SPEAK for them....  WHY NOT.....  the shadow could definitely do it....  WITHOUT....  harming anyone....  they could just LET hamas KNOW....  they COULD take them out in an instant....  so....  stand down....  while your people....  elect a representative....

two states sounds ok to me....  but....  who would get jeruselam....  is that NOT what this is all about....  is it NOT holy for BOTH the jews AND the muslims....  so....  what are you going to do about jeruselem....

you see....  eye AM the messiah....  MAYBE....  the jews would want to live....  where ever their messiah settles....  right....  maybe....  that is why....  my choice....  is to move the jews....  without TAKING their land....  give them something for it....  AND....  maybe....  we should give the palestinians something back....  for all the homes that were taken from them....  

that is my thought at least....  another thought thrown up against the wall....  let us SEE if this one has legs....

the lady on wolfe blitzer is probably right....  do american troops want to go into gaza....  that is why....  eye suggest the shadows do this work....  if eye am right....  they are safe....  up high....  nothing can touch them....  which is why....  eye think....  getting hamas under control....  is work for the shaddows....  eye think....  they are EXPERTS in handling these kinds of situations....  trump....  eye will NOT send in the shadows....  for YOUR plan....

have you all noticed....  eye am like a ping pong ball....  during this process....  eye am going to bounce back and forth....  between sides....  

right now....  eye imane....  that everyone is confused....  am eye lucifer....  or....  am eye love....  sometimes....  eye use lucifers methods....  other times....  eye use loves methods....  BECAUSE.... and....  eye KNOW you do NOT believe me now....  but....  because....  eye AM both....  eye have come back together....