did eye hear you correctly....
first of all.... have you ever been this far before.... have you seen this part before.... have others tried and failed.... have you tried to come out of the darkness and failed.... have you tried to negotiate peace and failed....
or.... am eye the only one in new territory here.... or.... are we all in new territory....
so.... did eye hear you correctly.... do YOU want this to be a conversation.... rather than emails.... did eye hear you correctly.... do you want me to step outside of my comfort zone.... try it your way.... ok.... eye think we can try that....
did you also pick someone.... vidal sasoon.... is that who you picked.... to represent the democrats.... eye am OK with that.... only ok.... she IS an excellent choice.... eye have talked to her recently.... and.... she seems open.... and.... kinda in the middle.... not just the middle of the left.... but.... actually the middle.... and.... eye really like her.... she seems kind and generous.... however.... eye think that eye disgust her.... and.... eye think that will get in the way of things.... not.... that she will shut down because she is stubborn.... but.... she will shut down.... because she does not like me.... she does not like my methods.... she probably thinks eye am an asshole....
can eye propose something different.... first eye want to show you some things.... eye want to show the world some things.... that only the children can bring about meaningful change.... eye actually think eye want to get as many people involved in the process as possible.... eye would start with a beautiful mind.... only if eye am right about her.... first of all she is a lesbian.... there eye go.... being a hypocrite.... but.... eye do not think she is a hardcore lesbian.... second of all.... eye have been very mean to her.... eye called her out a lot when we first met.... and.... eye have been really nasty to homosexuals.... and.... still.... eye think she MIGHT be rooting for me.... eye saw her give a fist pump the other day.... when eye THINK something good happened for me.... if eye am right.... then she is strong.... she has thing skin.... she can look past all of my assholishness.... third of all.... she has a lot of passion.... not the kind that makes you stubborn.... the kind that makes you want to learn and grow.... fourth of all.... she is more my equal.... than vidal sasoon.... eye do not know if eye could be open and honest with vidal sasoon.... at least not in person.... email is a whole nother matter.... but you are asking me to step out of my comfort zone.... so.... eye am suggesting something that might work.... eye THINK eye can bantor with a beautiful mind.... eye think she is strong enough to stand up to me.... and.... eye THINK eye can stand up to her.... and.... eye would also choose sweet young asian.... she probably fucking hates me calling her that.... but.... eye am trying to get everyone out of their comfort zone.... to stop thinking of so many things as taboo.... it only shuts us down.... eye will come up with a better name for her.... eye swear.... when eye get to know her better.... eye could call her manager.... but.... in MY mind.... that is much worse.... because she is so much more than that.... eye THINK that is an even worse label....
eye do not know.... am eye totally misreading things.... am eye jumping the gun.... have eye not earned this right yet.... eye will just keep listening.... to see what you have to say....
eye also want to tell you.... eye love it and hate it at the same time.... the spotlight.... can we figure out a way to take me out of the spotlight.... to get more people involved.... if eye am right.... this is not MY world.... and.... so.... if this is your world.... then you should be involved.... in shaping your world.... although.... eye WANT to bring the universe here.... to this world.... eye want to bring the architects of life to this world.... which means.... this world MUST be safe.... if it is going to be the protector of all of the other worlds.... than it has to be safe.... so.... if eye cannot make it safe.... if eye cannot convince you to make it safe.... eye will have to take the universe and the architects of life somewhere else.....