democrats vs republicans.....
so.... by now.... most of you probably believe that eye am a republican.... because eye have done a significant amount of bashing of the democrats.... most of you will be surprised.... to hear that eye am neither republican or democrat.... that eye am a true moderate.... eye have not drunk the cool aid from either party.... eye liked both bush and clinton.... AND.... eye hate both trump and biden.... and eye think that obama is one of the most arrogant players that the world has ever seen.... he plays the game.... he loves the game.... and he is so good at it.... that he is worshipped.... eye mean worshipped..... by many.... it makes me sick....
so.... here is the deal.... eye am neither republican.... nor.... democrat....
eye agree with the democrats on about four or five key issues.... first.... we need to take care of the poor.... the category for inalliable rights needs to be expanded.... as a citizen of the world.... we deserve to have certain needs met.... no one should suffer.... everyone.... and eye mean everyone.... deserves PROPER healthcare.... everyone does not deserve the best healthcare.... that is impossible.... someone has to get the doctor who got ds in medical school.... everyone deserves an education.... everyone deserves to have adequate food and shelter.... so.... eye agree with the democrats that we should take care of people.... although.... eye am not so sure that the democratic leadership ACTUALLY wants to provide adequate anything.... well.... eye think that they want to provide adequate food shelter education and healthcare.... but eye think that it is more important to them to create captive voters.... to push people into poverty.... and then keep them there.... sorry democrats.... even when eye agree with you.... eye do not agree with you....
eye agree with the democrats.... that we need to take care of the environment.... eye believe that we are all here to learn to become better stewards.... stewards of our children.... and.... stewards of the environment.... stewards of our world.... so that one day.... we can each have a world of our own.... if we so desire.... but.... once again.... eye think that the democratic minions truley believe that we should take care of the envirnment.... but eye am having trouble believing that the leadership wants to take care of the environment.... pretending to care about the environment gives them votes and power and control.... and as long as they do not actually fix the problem.... they will remain in power.... :-(
eye also agree with the democrats.... that the wealthy should pay more.... not a higher percentage.... an equal percentage.... and eye believe that we should close all of the loopholes that allow the wealthy to evade paying taxes.... starting with taxing unrealized gains.... eye have heard some in the democrats leadership suggest taxing unrealized gains.... but they have not been able to gain much momentum.... is this because there are now as many wealthy democrats as republicans.... and even the democrats.... the majority of democrats in leadership.... do not want to impose such a large tax on the wealthy within their party.... the people who are funding all of their campaigns....
sorry democrats.... even when eye think that we agree.... eye am not so sure that we agree....
now.... republicans.... it seems to me like you are doing an aweful lot of complaining this days.... you seem to be bitching and moning a lot.... but you do not seem to be offering solutions.... eye here some of you offer really good solutions.... but again.... the majority of you seem to be heading in a different direction....
what about vouchers.... vouchers for education.... vouchers for healthcare....
eye hear some of you talk about vouchers.... but.... once again.... it does not seem like the majority of republicans are on board with this.... is this because you want the public education system.... you want public schools.... because.... it gives you something to bitch about.... it gives the voters a reason to vote for you.... as long as there is a public school system.... and as long as the democrats try to push their social agenda through it.... you have power.... you have all of the people who hate the democratic agenda.... voting for you... voting.... for you to keep the democrats in line.... in there is a voucher system.... that all goes away.... the anger about the democrats.... the anger about the democrats teaching their children things the parents do not want to be taught.... the anger.... all goes away....
and eye am totally on board with the republicans.... when it comes to a strong military.... a strong national defense.... you have got to be a looney if you do not want to protect what we have got.... if you do not want to protect our freedom.... eye just wish eye could force some in the democratic leadership to go live in north korea for a few years.... so that they could learn what it is like to live under a dictatorship.... to live in fear.... to be controlled.... although.... eye am afraid that they would not learn what they were supposed to learn....
and.... like the republicans.... eye want a smaller government.... eye want a smaller.... more effective.... more efficient.... government.... however.... eye also want smaller businesses as well.... eye do not know that the republican leadership would agree with me about reducing the size of corporations....
now there you have it.... on the big issues.... eye actually seem to agree with the democrats more than the republicans.... at least eye seem to agree with the democrats STATED goals.... eye am not so sure that they really want to achieve these goals.... no you see.... eye am NOT a republican.... AND.... eye am most certainly.... NOT a democrat....
this system is all messed up.... the leaders seem to have lost sight of why we are all here.... they all seem to be so tied up in playing the game.... in winning.... than they are.... in improving the lives of the people that they serve.... :-(